When the two men walked back into the room she looked down at him and nodded, "take your brother to the infirmary and get him seen to. Don't let him leave until he has the okay from the doctors and nurses."

Arthur put his hand to his head before pushing it off into the air, like a soldier would salute their officer in command, "yes boss."

Before they carried him out of the kitchen Victoria pressed her lips to the side of his head again and whispered softly, "we'll be here."

Even if this was wrong of her to show the sign of affection, she knew that it would encourage him to get the medical help he so badly needed.

After hearing the front door close, Victoria walked back into the living room and smiled as she observed Polly looking down so lovingly at Timothy.

"Is there anything you would like me to do while I'm here?" Victoria asked stepping closer to them both.

Polly picked Timothy up and began to rock him softly, "let me watch over this one while you put your feet up and rest for an hour or two."

Victoria smiled in response and sat down on the couch as she watched her sway from side to side, "our Michael and Finn should be coming in soon, they'll get to meet little Timothy."

"How have they been?" She asked keeping her eyes on Polly.

"You know those boys, same old same old." Polly chuckled in response, keeping her eyes on the baby in her arms, "Timothy is a beautiful baby, I'm so proud of you."

Victoria felt her eyes build up with tears as she listened to her, "he's my little miracle sent down from Daniel."

Polly sat down beside her and wrapped one of her arms around her, "Danny would be so proud of how grown, beautiful and strong you have become... May I ask why you chose that name?"

"My brother and Tommy were friends when they were just little boys." Victoria nodded as she looked down at Timothy wiping away the stray tears. "But instead of calling him Thomas, my brother would call him Timothy. I thought it would be the right name to use."

"It's perfect." Polly whispered as she softly rubbed her shoulder, "you get yourself a nap and have some rest. Don't worry about this little one, I'll take care of him."

She nodded as she wiped her face before laying back against the pillows getting herself comfortable.

Victoria closed her eyes and let out a sigh before allowing the darkness to over come her.

Several hours later, Victoria woke to the sound of Timothy crying.

When she sat up she glanced across and noticed Finn rocking him softly, the sight of the youngest peaky blinder with the youngest Shelby made a smile flash across her face.

"How do you like your nephew then ey Finn?" She asked as she walked over to them putting her hand softly on Finn's shoulder.

"He's great." He smiled looking up at her, "actually, while the others are out at the office I was wondering if I could ask you for a favour?"

She frowned softly and pulled out a seat, sitting down across from him. "Finn you know you can talk to me about anything, sometimes it's easier to ask folk that aren't family."

"Well there's this girl I like, she enjoys this book and it's out at the pictures in a couple of weeks. I was hoping to read that book to impress her... but there's only one problem..." He sighed as he looked away slightly.

"You don't know how to read?" Victoria questioned as she kept her gaze on him.

Finn shook his head and sighed, "I was wondering if you could teach me. I know you're leaving soon but I was hoping that in the few days you're here if you could help me."

She smiled and put her hand on his shoulder, "I promise I'll stay here in Birmingham till I've taught you to read."

Before Finn could share his grattitude with her, Arthur and John walked in.

"Tommy has asked for you to go in and see him. He wants you to leave Timothy here, doesn't want him to be in a place like that." Arthur nodded taking his hat off.

Victoria stood up and pulled on her coat, "Finn could you keep an eye on him? He's a good baby and doesn't cry very much.."

"Ofcourse, you go on and see Tommy." Finn responded with a smile.

Arthur stepped out of the door after her and followed her to the car. They both got in without a word and set off for the infirmary.

"Since you left him he hasn't been near at women, even throwing off the whores that have thrown themselves at him." He mumbled looking to Victoria as he drove.

"And is that supposed to make me feel better about the fact that he went with another woman? I can forgive but I won't forget." She shrugged as she looked out of the window.

From there silence flowed throughout the air.

The car parked up outside of the infirmary and they both got out.

"John left the other car here so that you would have something to drive back in." Arthur called out throwing the keys to her.

Victoria caught the keys and slipped them into her clutch before giving him a goodbye nod.

After letting out a soft sigh she walked inside, the distinct smell hitting her instantly.

"I'm here to see Mr Thomas Shelby." She stated to the lady behind the counter.

"He's just through there in ward one, but mind you he has suffered some bad injuries and there is some marks on his facial area so when you go in just be cautious." The lady replied with a comforting smile.

Victoria cleared her throat before stepping into the ward, she looked around, her eyes instantly stopping on him.

Tommy laid up against the bed, his eyes closed with cuts across his face.

As she walked down the middle the soft click of her heels alerted him of his visitor.

They both stayed quiet as she sat down in the chair beside his bed.

"What is it Tommy? I can't stay long, Timothy needs me." Victoria spoke softly putting her bag onto the floor.

"They said that I can't go home until they know there is someone at home available to watch over me. It's a busy time for the business so I can't ask the boys or Polly..." He spoke, his voice only loud enough for her to hear.

Before the words even left his mouth she knew what he was about to ask of her.

"Luckily for you Mr Shelby, I'm going to be staying in Birmingham for a short period of time. I shall agree to look after you, however during my time caring for you there will be nothing between us." Victoria nodded looking up at his battered face.

Tommy cleared his throat and slowly eased himself up, "will you allow me to see my son?"

She stayed quiet as she thought about it for a minute, "I got to know my father when I was younger but when he left and didn't come back it broke me. I'd rather our son didn't to get to know you so that when we leave it doesn't leave him hurt like it did I."

"I want to be in our sons life, whether that means moving to America with you both or coming over on the boat every weekend. I'm not going to abandon Timothy." He nodded as he looked across at her.

"Let's just work things out further down the line. Have they said when you can go?" Victoria asked raising an eyebrow.

"Thank you, darling. They said that with assistance I can go home after I've collected my pain medication." Tommy shrugged as he slowly stood up, holding onto the bed for assistance.

Even after all Tommy had done to her, seeing him so desperate and vulnerable hurt her more than she could possibly imagine.

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