The visit

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~at home~
After the car crash my Aunty picked me up to take me to her house for six months but on weekends I see my parents which makes my mum happy same as my dad.
"Kiara it's time to go!" My cousin wakes me up.
"Okay I'm up Joe, jeez!" I say while getting up.
We get ready for school then i here my phone go off so I answered.
"Hey felicity!" I say.
"Hey Kiara, how's it going?" She says.
"Good just about to go to school, what about you?" I say as I pick up my shoes.
"Jeez this early? Anyways I'm doing great but you know that girl Sarah?" She seemed a little worried at first.
"Yes I um punched her at camp...." I smirked but she didn't know I did.
"I remember that anyways she is looking for you." She cuts straight to it.
"How do you know?" I listen.
"Because I'm at school with Kelly and she asked for you, but i said you won't be back in six months, wait Dean is co-" felicity was cut off then i heard a guys voice.
"Kiara where are you?" He questioned.
"I would like to talk to my friend!" I say ignoring what he said.
"Answer me Kiara! First you punch my girlfriend and now you are no where to be seen! What the hell happened to you!?" His words kinda hurt me because it was true.
"Sorry i have to go." I say while waiting for him to say bye.
"How long?" He questioned.
"What?" I was confused.
"How long will you be gone?" He seemed really angry.
"Dean give back my phone!" Felicity took back her phone, "Kiara i got to go to class talk later okay?" She says.
"Okay bye." She hanged up as i turned off my phone.
~at school~
"So cousin our first time being at a all boys school." Smiling at my cousin Joe.
"So it is cousin so it is." We walk into our classes, sadly I'm not with my cousin for most of my classes but when we are together we make trouble everywhere, "so where did you learn to be rebel?" She questioned me as we walk to our lockers for food.
"Dean." I looked at her.
"Seriously? Man I wanted to teach you not him!" She is disappointed but smiled anyways.
"We have a class together next!" I say with a big smile.
"Thank god, its weird why haven't the guys questioned why we are here?" She likes guys questioning her existence.
"Dear god woman." I roll my eyes as we walk to class which is sport, "we get to play footy!" I say.
"Hey you wanna be buddies?" She questions.
"Duh who else would i go with?" I laugh.
"We are the hottest girls here!" She smirked.
"We are the only girls here!" I laughed.
"Oh yeah." We laughed as we walked into the gym.
"Girls your late!" The teacher says madly.
"Sorry sir." I say as i sit.
"Okay cool." Joe sits next to me.
"So we are playing footy, now can only tell the ladies how to play?" He says and every boy puts his hand up.
"Sir i don't need to be told how to play I've been playing football with my cousin for years!" My cousin stands up and points.
"Okay then get your cousin to stand." After he said that my cousin lifted me up like i way nothing, "Catch!" He throws a ball at me which I catches with one hand, "now lets get outside and you kick it as far as you can!" He laughs.
"Fine." I run outside with my cousin as the others follow, i kicked it i looked at the teacher and he was shocked.
~Dean pov~
I questioned why Kiara hasn't been here for a week or more but after the camp i haven't seen her since, my girlfriend was hurt badly i never met a girl with such a punch to make another girl bleed the blood was all over Sarah's face it's weird because Kiara didn't say her fists hurt at all, "Hey Kiara!" I walked to felicity as she was talking to Kiara so I walked back, "Dean is com-" i took the phone away from her.
"Kiara where are you?" I was worried i have to admit.
"I would like to talk to my friend!" She seemed annoyed
"Answer me Kiara! First you punch my girlfriend and now you are no where to be seen! What the hell happened to you!?" I got angry but also annoyed
"Sorry i have to go."she try's to leave.
"How long?" I quickly asked before she went.
"What?" I could tell she was confused.
"How long will you be gone?" I repeated but more words.
But before she could answer felicity punch me to get her phone back so i just left to find Ben, Jeez i hated saying that name.
"Dean my man!" He looked stoned? I'm not sure.
"Are you stoned?" I questioned.
"Nah mate just wanted to ask where Kiara is, do you know?" He smiles.
"Gross." I walk away to find Kiara's friend named Chloe.
"Hey Dean, baby?" Sarah tried to get me to talk but i really wasn't in the mood, "not a good day huh? Well I'll just talk your ear off." She smirked, "so my friend is planning to get back at Kiara when she gets back." She laughed to herself.
"What!?" I stopped, "its not going to help!" I say knowing that Kiara will fail if she is be herself.
"Well she has to pay, but you can't say anything or else you know i ruin your life!" She walked away laughing, 'why am i dating her? What is wrong with me?' My thoughts take over as I continue to walk to find Chloe, after a while I couldn't find her so i went to class.
"Dean." I hear a voice behind me but no one was there so i turned back around until i stopped once more to make sure no one is behind me, "DEAN!" It gets louder this time, "Dean wake up!" Waking up to the sound of my girlfriends voice.
"What are you doing here?" I question as i look around to see i fell asleep, "is is a dream?" I laugh, "or a nightmare?" I stand up and walked away.
"Dean what the fuck are you doing?" Sarah pulls me back I couldn't do anything about it i didn't want to push her away physically like i used to with Kiara not even for fun! Sarah has no real personality like Kiara, wait do i like Kiara Macy!? Oh no, "Dean come on." She smiled.
"Not if your going to hurt my friend!" I pull my arm from her.
"I never said that!" She looked worried, "I wouldn't do that even if she did hurt me i would never!" She hugged me.
"Okay i got to go bye!" I went to my locker to get my bag and leave.
"Dean mate!" I hear Andy call my name so i stopped for him to catch up, "did you hear about Kiara?" He questioned as we start walking again.
"What about her?" I say out of curiosity.
"Well she went with her cousin to an all boys school for six months apparently she comes back on weekends to see family and friends, why didn't you know that?" I looked at him as he had a big smile.
"No i didn't and why are you smiling?" I say.
"Ben got stoned today and he was saying some funny shit but he said something about Kiara.'' He stopped smiling, "it kinda made me want to stay away from him and her." I looked forward.
"What did he say?" I asked him as i see him up ahead.
"Said she has anger problems that no one knows about then an old friend and cousin, also said she had a bad past but he said that she punched a girl near to death because she was talking shit about her cousin." He seemed really worried.
"Isn't that bad." He said.
"Well you could say that there's more." He continues.
~Kiara pov~
I get a call from felicity saying that Ben said weird things about me, I got really pissed about it so I said bye to her and went home with my cousin, I sat on my bed just staring at my walls just thinking what my next move is.
My phone rings, it's Dean.
"Kiara hey." He says.
"Hi Dean." I say annoyed.
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and this book! Here is a photo of Sarah.
Bye for now!

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