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They heard the laughter and words of many people outside of Jesus's trailer and they decided to go investigate, Daryl armed with only his trusty friends, python lead the way. Daryls eyes lit up and he came walking at a much quicker face, Jesus struggling to keep up after him, his long hair billowing behind him as he walked because of the wind. Maggie gave a knowing smile at the two of them, though nothing had conspired between the two of them... Jesus had spoken to Maggie about his feelings of liking men, and that he had a special hope held out towards Daryl. Daryl waited a few moments before burrowing his head against Ricks shoulder as the two reunited. Jesus crossed his arms, and held a straight expression.. for some reason seeing the many men and woman embracing Daryl stirred up a fiery jealousy deep within the pits of his stomach. He watched and after a few more hours, of catching up, coming up with a plan to overcome the saviors, and speaking with ballsack Gregory... they headed towards the kingdom. Jesus leading the way once more, Daryl felt his eyes being drawn to Jesus's lower half on his body, he couldn't help himself feel a jolt of electricity as Jesus bent over to pick up a box of a few misc bullets. He stuffed them in the pocket of his jeans and Daryl blinked a few times before looking away, he was squinting per usual so no body saw or suspected anything of his peeping gaze. Jesus was unknowing as well, he walked, his hips swaying the ever slightest with his jolt, he bit his lip, and focused in on as the audience for the king began. ((Not going to spoil, so going to skip this scene and just begin to make up things as we go.)) after a very tiring day, Daryl knew he couldn't go back to Alexandria, that'd be the first place they look.. he found his gaze yet again falling upon Jesus. Jesus smiled at him, and oooked towards Rick. "We'd be delighted to have Daryl stay with us.. we have plenty of routes of escape if worst comes to worst, and knowing our place it's very large so even if the saviors come looking, they're simple minds couldn't even fathom of places to look." He smiled brighter by the second as he spoke, and Daryl nodded, "Yea. Like hell they'd even catch me.. let alone if I had this man beside me. Some sort of ninja shit.." he shook his head as he spoke, his accent all twangy. Rick nodded in agreement and they parted ways. Daryl and jesus walking alongside eachother. Jesus knew deep down, there were no vacant trailers so he'd have to room with Jesus. He smiled, "Guess you're stuck bunking with me." He grinned, and Daryl fake groaned, for once in a blue moon being playful, it rarely happened for Daryl to let alone show emotion, being playful was a first.. but with Jesus he felt different. Acted different. Jesus smiled, "oh come on. Free chips." He taunted, Daryl slowly nodded, "that's damn near irresistible, kid." He mumbled, trying to irritate the man. "Kid?" Jesus questioned, kicking a rock out of his way as they walked, it skidded a few feet away. "Very funny. How old are you old man?" He winked a little bit and Daryl acted appalled, looking the opposite direction to hide a blush on his deeply coated cheeks. "I'm 33, you?" He murmured, deeply. "27" he said curtly and smirked a little bit. He didn't mind the age difference, and he could tell Daryl didn't ether by the smile that had played so gracefully onto his features. "Alright, you ain't a kid." He mumbled as they reached the hilltop gates, "But im still older than ya." He tainted as his southern drawl made his words short, and redneck spoken. "Age is just a number baby." Jesus spoke aloud, shocking himself by saying the much to said phrase.. though it held much different meaning. Daryl stopped, suddenly, halfway to Jesus's trailer and turned to face him. "the hell you say?" He spoke deeply, it was as if he was angry.. but he wasn't. Just shocked.. and strangely.. excited! Jesus's eyes widen and his mouth opened and closed as he gaped for something to say. "I-I uh.." he started, and pressed his lips together shrugging. Daryl's eyes opened fully, revealing their natural color, blue-green. A beautiful mixture. "If anyone is the baby in this here thing we got going on here.." he stepped closer to Jesus and pinched one of his cheeks, "it's you, baby." He grinned brightly, his aged and rough looking face decreasing slightly, and showing his true charecter. His smile was glorious. "O-okay." Jesus blushed, bright red. Literally. It consumed his entire features. "Then what are you?" He questioned, curiously. "I'd prefer if you called me daddy.." he winked, and laughed out loud at his joke, "but I think Daryl will work just fine if you'd ratha." He said, saying ratha as if it was a short pronoun of the actual word. Jesus flushed yet again, "Hm. Kinky." He breathed out, loosening up a little bit. Daryl turned and began walking and this time, it was Jesus's turn to stare at Daryl's ass... damn. Jesus licked his lips a little, dry from the amount of gaping he had done. "Just the way I like it, baby." He spoke aloud, looking over his shoulder before barging into Jesus's trailer. Jesus followed after and shut his door, "so what does this mean exactly?" Jesus asked, his features and demeanor becoming serious. Daryl sat up a bit straighter and shrugged his broad, strong shoulders. "I dunno. I want it to mean more." He murmured with a slow nod, nervously stuttering and shaking his head so his bangs would hide nearly half of his face. "I'm not good with this touchy feelings shit. But if I'm ever gonna try, I'd want it to be with you. You're.. different." He spoke truthfully, his demeanor changing, and shyly, and slowly opening up just enough for Jesus to hear the words coming from his soft spoken mouth. Jesus full out smiled, "Well that's okay. I love touchy feely stuff." He chuckled, "we'll teach eachother okay? And take it slow.. the worlds already gone. No rush." He winked, and pressed his lips together. Daryl chuckled and leaned his head back a little as he did so, "damn did I know I liked you." He mumbled, and smiled a soft smile gracing his features

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