A Special Surprise

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I don't remember much of what occurred after Viktor rescued me in the second task. All I remember is being cold and soaking wet, then fear over where Harry was and eventually relief when they were found. It was all so quick, even Viktor asking me to visit him over the summer.

Everyone was back at the Gryffindor common room to celebrate while I hung back to speak to Viktor. He was called away by Karkaroff however so I was left to walk back to the castle myself. It was an eerie calm walk and I'd be lying if I  said I wasn't feeling a little nervous. On top of that I didn't have my wand.

I finally can see Hagrid's hut in the distance when I hear what sounds like a twig breaking. "Who's there?" No response. As I look around I find myself remembering how I was always the slowest in gym class back in muggle school. I knew a bit of karate from gym, not that it would do me any good against someone with a wand.

I hear another swig break. Right as I decide to make a run for it I feel two hands grab my shoulders. Instinct kicks in and with a quick elbow to their face and a kick to the groin, my attacker is lying on the ground.

I was about to run until I noticed that familiar silver blond hair.

"Malfoy! What in the world possessed you to scare me like that?!"

When he finally stopped groaning in pain he looked at me and said "Honestly I thought it'd be a good laugh.. I was wrong."

Feel exasperated I replied "No shock there." Those words felt a bit harsh so I followed with "Are you alright?"

"Umm I've been better.." Finally Malfoy got up, he couldn't exactly walk right away but it was progress.

"I am so sorry. I guess martial arts was a success then."

"Martial what?" I couldn't lie, the confusion on his face was adorable.

"It's a muggle sport, kind of like there version of dueling." As I spoke I did a karate chop as an example.


His grumpy red face and watery ice blue eyes for some reason had me laughing foolishly.

"Now that I think about it, this was a good laugh."

His face lightened up but he still made an effort to keep a scowl on his face. "Ha Ha it's hilarious. You had me scared earlier for a bit there Granger, I didn't know where you were. And it wasn't like I could ask someone where you'd gone off to."

For some reason it felt nice to know that someone  notice my absence. "I'm surprised you even noticed I was gone."

I finally got to see that bright smile of his, "I mean with a head of hair like yours it is hard to miss, kidding! Seriously though, you have no idea how relieved I was when you got out of that water. Speaking of water, I have a spell to help you out."

"Exaresco." With a swish and flick of his wand I'm dry instantly. I hadn't realized how cold I was.

"Brilliant Malfoy, this feels so much better. Where have you been learning all of these spells?" I'm genuinely wanted to know.

"I've been studying a lot more back in the common room, how else am I suppose to keep up with you?" With each words he took a step closer.

"Well I am glad you are taking some initiative." 

He was standing inches away from me when he slowly reached for a piece of my hair and gently tucked it behind my ear. His closeness was alarming, yet at the same time comforting. Those seconds felt like an eternity until he broke the silence.

"I almost forgot, I got you something." He reached into his pocket and took what looked like a gold galleon and places it into my hand.

"What is it?" He only gave me one and kept the other in his hand.

"Basically how this is going to work is you get that coin, I get this one and with the help of our little wands we can send messages to each other through them. Anytime. Any place." This is ingenious. It was already hard enough having to plan around each others schedule without acknowledging each others presence in public. This was going to make seeing each other so much easier. And I can't lie and say I wasn't thrilled with the idea of being able to talk to him whenever I want. Even in class!

"What? This is amazing Malfoy, thank you." This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. 

His face turned a light shade of pink, which compared to his usual milky white skin it was a big difference. "Oh don't thank me, this is a gift for me as much as it is to you. If not more." 

This made me happy but put a knot in my stomach at the same time. His voice almost had a flirty undertone to it. Then an unpleasant irrational thought came to mind. Does Malfoy like me as more than friends? Not possible, get your mind out of the gutter Hermione. I'm reading too much into this, he was just being kind, that is it. Besides no matter how much he says he's changed I know deep down he still looks at me as a mudblood. "Maybe you're right but I still appreciate it" I replied, being brought back to reality.

"I'm glad you like it! And that's not even the best part, I put on a secrecy charm on it so only you and I will be able to read it." He smiled ear to ear, clearly proud of his work and rightfully so.

"Well aren't you full of surprises lately?"

His silver eyebrows scrunched together, giving me a challenging look. "Really? How else have I been surprising?" I definitely was not expecting this question. 

"You've just have been very well behaved  recently.." That was the only way I could even begin to explain how he's been.

Why was he pressing this topic? "What do you mean by well behaved mom?" There was definitely some irritation in his voice.

Before I even realized it, words just started pouring out. "I just mean that you haven't been terrorizing teachers or making kids cry, I'm so used to you causing problems that it's nice to not have to worry about you ruining someones life."

This seemed to have a negative effect on him, the brightness that was once in his eyes vanished leaving angst. He took a step closer to me and asked "Is that really what you think of me?"

The fact that this offended him really irked me. "No offence Draco, but that is what you have been doing for the past four years?"

He really just rolled his eyes at me. "Yes I am well aware, but I've changed?"

"Have you though? I appreciate that you have been an incredibly good friend to me now, but I still hear about you have been acting when I am not around. Which I graciously overlook with hopes that one day you truly will change."

Before he could answer I realized it was getting late and spoke, "It is getting late, we better get back to the castle."

We walked in silence until I spoke yet again. "Look I did not want this to turn into a fight, I accept you and appreciate you so let's not let this turn into something more than it should me. Especially after what you just did for me. Will you tell me how to work it?" We walked while he took me through step by step how he made the coins. It was quite an interesting and tedious process. I still couldn't believe he went through all that trouble just for me.

Once we made it to Hagrid's hut I checked to make sure he wasn't in there so we could continue walking. "Maybe we should say goodbye here, don't want anyone seeing us go up the hill together." It seemed like it was a much nicer sentence inside my head, but honestly what did he expect.

He didn't become angry but his voice became deeper and he suddenly became so formal with his word choice. "Yes you are right Granger, we can not have that now. I shall talk to you soon."

"Yeah see you soon, thanks again Malfoy." I said with a smile. He waved and gave a forced smile and walked away with his shoulders slumped over. 

When I got to my corridors I couldn't stop myself from checking the coin every five minutes. I kept hoping to see something.

But there was nothing, no messages.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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