I picked my hand up and knocked on the door three times. The screaming and noise stopped and I heard footsteps coming.

******************************* Louis' P.O.V*******************************

It was about 6 and I was getting ready for supper I thought maybe we should all have a nice meal together after whats all happened. The doorbell rang and Liam and the red headed girl from the news were standing arm and arm.

"Hey Louis!" She greeted giving me a kiss on the cheek and skipping into my house.

"What is she doing here?" I whispered to Liam.

"I have no idea she was at my flat again and wouldn't leave. When I said I had to go out for supper she just invited herself along. I. Cant. Get. Rid. Of. Her." Liam whispered harshly. He took his jacket off and sat on the sofa.

I sat next to him on the sofa when I got a text on my mobile. it read:

"What Hurts more, physical pain, or internal pain"

I chuckled to myself. I would almost expect this to be from A. Obviously a wrong number.

The doorbell rang again and this time Niall and Cameron walked in.

"So this is Cameron we've heard so much about" I laughed from the sofa. She sure was a little thing. Almost as short as shayla.

"I thought you said she had blond hair Niall?" I asked.

"Yeah Niall convinced me to go back to my natural brunette hair." She smiled. Niall Walked to her side and kissed her cheek. Then finally Harry and Zayn walked in.

"Wow so everyone has a date but me." I joked. Harry looked over to zany and they both cracked up.

"Shall we start making the pizzas?" Niall asked. We all nodded our heads and began the making of the pizzas.

----------------------------------- Shaylas P.O.V-------------------------------------

I was hiding under the bed holding the bed post for dear life. Paul was pulling on my feet trying to pull me out but I wouldn't budge. He yanked as hard as he could and my grasp let go, making him pull me out from under the bed. He flipped me onto my back and pinned my arms down with his knees. There was a knock on the door and I stopped yelling. Paul got up and went to answer the door when I saw Robin and Karly standing there.

Paul grabbed Karly and threw her onto the ground landing in a thud. Robin went to dig the knife into Paul when he grabbed her wrist and twisted it until the knife fell out of her hand. I quickly got up and jumped on his back choking him with my arms. Karly stuck her leg out and Paul tripped over it falling to the ground.

I sat on top of him continuing to choke him while Robin tried to tie his feet together with a towel. Paul grabbed my neck and started to squeeze, cutting off my air. I could feel my face starting to go purple but I continued to squeeze his neck. Karly was trying to help robin as Paul continued to kick his feet. My head began to pound and I could feel my grip began to loosen. My arms slowly slipped from his neck and my head started to droop to the side.

Paul's grip tightened and I could feel my eyes began to close.

"Shayla!" Karly yelled. She ran over and tried to pry Paul's hands from my neck. Karly got up and kicked Paul in the head, making his hands fall from my neck and I collapsed to the side. Paul took his one foot and kicked robin in the face making her fall over and he stood to his feet, grabbing Karly.

He gave KArly a punch to the face and she fell to the floor unconscious.

"Karly!" I screamed. Robin went to reach for the knife when Paul stepped on her wrist squishing it hard into the concrete. I stood up and tried to kick Paul in the back put he didn't budge. Paul picked up the knife and turned around throwing it at me. I ducked out of the way but I felt something slice my arm.

Trip To England~~A One Direction FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now