Part Two: Eyes Glowing Red

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Lilith stood in an empty space. The edges of her vision were faded and dark and the center a deep gray void that swam before her. Tendrils of smoke billowed around her, their tongues licking at her ankles, beckoning her deeper into the darkness. It seemed to go on forever. Her feet moved on their own, taking her to a place from which she worried she would not return. The glossy black floor reflected like water, smooth as glass, as disorienting as the rest of the vision.
The dull glow began slowly seeping from the atmosphere as she continued walking. She felt as if she recognized the place. Like seeing an old friend after years of great distance. No, not a friend. A foe. A forgotten memory she had tried to erase, coming back to her for the first time in a long while. She didn't know what was drawing her into the depths of her surroundings, she didn't understand why she couldn't control herself, but for some reason it terrified her.
A deep grumble came from up all around her, a whisper in her ear, a dark feeling in her stomach following. Panic raced through her and she tried to stop her feet from moving forward. It was to no avail. She tried to wrench her legs from the ground, to throw herself to the ground to prevent herself from going any further. They wouldn't respond.
A dark haze began to settle in the air around her. The growl became a laugh. Deep and booming. Dark and mesmerizing. It brought fearful tears to her eyes. Lilith choked on her sobs, unable to resist the pull of the force. She knew then and there that she was going to her death. She was walking to the end of her life. Her heart pounded, adrenaline rushing through her. She tried to scream, to cry for help, but no sound came from her lips.
She fell to her knees in a heap. Unable to breath or think, she cried on the hard ground. Another tug pulled at her gut, but this time the force began to drag her across the floor. Lilith clawed at the ground, but she could not resist the pull. A looming, dark figure came into view in the distance. It looked the size of a human but had a crooked, winged shape protruding from it's left shoulder. It's face was not visible but it leered at her nonetheless. She was being dragged toward its feet, unable to resist the pull of the creature whose malicious intent went unmasked.
It was less than thirty yards away. Twentyfive yards. Twenty yards. This is it, she thought. This is where I die. She was released ten feet from the beast. She could see it more clearly than she would have ever wished.
It stood thick and tall, nearly eight feet in height. A dark cloak draped over its shoulders and a hood masked its face. The build suggested a male, with large muscles and a masculine stance, but something told her this was not male or female. This was not human. The wing-like shape that stuck out from its left shoulder looked like a black tree branch, large at the base and spreading out in random places. The edges looked sharp, and though it also looked heavy, its posture was not wavered because of it.
    It began to walk forward, the echo of its footsteps resonating through the darkness. It slowly came closer to Lilith, agonizing seconds passing like minutes. Stopping in front of her, she looked up into its face. Only, there was none to be seen. The dark cloak cast a thick shadow across what she assumed would be its face, leaving nothing but two red glowing eyes to be seen. It glared down at her and she didn't dare breathe. The movement had returned to her limbs but she didn't dare run. She just stared at the looming glow of its eyes.
A clawed, black hand was drawn from behind the cloak. It slowly reached for Lilith, inching towards her face. Though she couldn't see the face basked in shadow she felt it grin. The fear struck her gut twisting it into a knot. The malicious intent she had felt all around her in her panic now had a source. It was such a familiar feeling and she knew in an instant this had been who she feared. The hand reached towards her forehead. Somehow she knew if it touched her it would all be over. She would die.
    Her brown eyes filled with fear. The deep booming laughter erupted around her once more, echoing through the void and her head. Time slowed and though she now had control of her body she sat frozen in fear. Not even the adrenaline could save her now. The red glow from under the hood was all she could see as the hand descended onto her forehead. They burned into her soul. The fire of fury. The fire of blood lust. The glowing embers of something evil. Then there was only darkness.

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