Chapter 6

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Devon POV

Once we got home with Bex we took her straight upstairs to her room and lay her on her bed and we all look at her and she looks super tired but she kicked up a fuss as she wanted to sit and watch a movie in the lounge with Luke, Dylan and Jai. She started to cry out of tiredness and I just layied her in my lap and Cam whispered into th her ear "Baby girl go to sleep we will wake you up for dinner okay" he told her.

She settled down and closed her eyes and falls asleep we kissed her forhead before leving her to sleep and go down stairs to cook dinner and talk about what we are going to do for mum and dad's funeral and how we are going to keep bex out of dance for 8 weeks oh our poor baby sister.

Luke POV

Once dinner is ready we go upstairs wake bex up and have our food but for once bex didnt want to eat her food which is rare for bex as she so active and loves her food and never levaes her food I know something was wrong but I couldn't blam her as it must be so overwhelming coming home with out mum and dad and her being tired all the time not being able to do anything.

"sweetie do you want to back to bed now" Luke asked her

She nodded her head I pick her and took her to the bathroom to brush her teeth and get change

"Babe do you wnat to sleep with one of us in one of our rooms or do you want one of us to sleep with you in your room" Luke asked her

"I want to sleep with you in one of your rooms" Bexley told us we all smiled and nodded

Luke picked her up carrying her to his room asking if she wanted us to sleep all in one room like we used to when we were younger

she just snuggled into his chest nodding slightly absolutley exhausted. I took bex to my room and put her on my bed while went into my bathroom and changed into my pj's and claned my teeth. When i came out of the bathromm we all have really big rooms so there was enough room for all of us to sleep in here. I put out the sleepover beds which just consist of flat memrophame matresser and got duvets and pillows making up all the bed reday when my brothers walked into the room

the plan was 10 of us sleep on the floor beds and that and two of us sleep on either side on Bexley on the bed to keep her from falling out of the really big bed. So me and Jai were on either side of her we kissed her forehead and said goodnight and then Luke turned the light out.

Bex had already fallen asleep as soon as i left her on my bed to go get change and we all soon followed her into the world of dreams.

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