Short Skirts

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She noticed the cheerleading uniforms did not adhere to the rulebook at all. "Skirt lengths may not surpass two inches above the knee," it said. However, Veronica could clearly see the broken rule with the quick flashes of thighs whenever the girls did a somersault or the scandalous effect of being the bottom of the pyramid.

The one cheerleader that stuck in her mind was the blonde named Betty. Whenever she saw a flash of yellow out of the corner of her eyes, Veronica's pulse quickened, hoping and wanting it desperately to be Betty. Maybe Betty would move up to be part of the varsity cheerleading squad but their captain seemed intent on keeping the girls separate. Cheryl probably noticed the way Veronica's face would brighten every time she and Betty practiced together.

Betty knew everyone around Riverdale. Growing up in a small town made the opposite impossible. Quite to the contrary of would be expected, she might be well known but she was not very popular. Veronica could not exactly place the reason why, but felt that it had something to do with Betty's absent sister Polly. Her name is barely uttered, it's like a forbidden curse word in a kindergarten. People usually get by by calling her "Betty's sister" or "the oldest Cooper girl" but never just Polly. Veronica learned that the hard way.

"Alright sluts," Cheryl announced to the junior varsity cheerleaders, "who has a fresh new dance in exchange for a position on the varsity squad?" All the freshmen practically jumped at her voice, tripping over one another to be picked. That was the other thing Veronica learned the hard way, being the only sophomore on the varsity cheer squad was very, very h a r d. Mostly because she had to constantly 'prove her worth' to the queen bee Cheryl. If any of those freshman even had a shot at winning a spot on the varsity mat, they'd be out quicker than a pair of last season Gucci pumps.

"Hmm, tough choice..." Cheryl bit her lip and smiled, God, Veronica hated Cheryl's smug smile, "Maybe Betty should show her skills. After all we are only keeping her for V." Veronica's pulse quickened at the suggestion Cheryl made. Then, her blood ran cold at the expression Betty held. Nervous, she had her brow furrowed and nails dug into her arm.

"Cheryl, I-i dont have anythi-"

"Don't worry, doll!" Her smiled turned chaotic, "Make something up. After all, you're such an amazing dancer, Betty."

The room hushed. What underlying message is she trying to send Betty? Veronica knew. The message was clear to her: stay away from the junior varsity girl. And now Betty was about to be publicly humiliated because Veronica couldn't keep her eyes to herself.

"Cheryl, don't do this. I understand what you mean." Veronica didn't realize it was her own voice until it was out, vibrations that could never be taken back.

Cheryl raised her eyebrows. "Careful, V. You aren't tethered to your position on this team."

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to threaten your 'Queenly' power. Just leave Betty out of this. I promise it was just one time Cheryl."

"One time is enough to ruin a team, Veronica."

Veronica shut her mouth immediately. She recognized the tone Cheryl used. Reprimanding and manipulative. She could only hurt Betty and her tone suggested she would.

A whistle pierced the cold afternoon air. The football team practice was beginning and the cheerleaders were expected to be in attendance.  Veronica finally took a breath; Cheryl wouldn't embarrass Betty today. She had time to explain the situation to the blonde.

"Wanna join her, V?"

"Excuse me?"

"Join her in making the new cheer."

"Wait," Betty finally spoke up, "I don't need to be paired up with her. I can choreograph by myself."

Cheryl scoffed, "yeah just like you convinced yourself you can dress yourself just fine."

"Cheryl can you keep your petty remarks to yourself?" Veronica's voice started to waiver as it usually does when she gets mad.

"I don't know Veronica. Can you keep your pants on in this locker room?" When the room seemed like all the air was sucked out, Cheryl giggled, "I'm joking, darlings. Do you want to join her or what?"

Veronica bit her lip, nodded her head. She didn't dare meet Betty's bright blue eyes. They were probably filled with anger. Or sadness. Veronica felt that Betty still would blame herself no matter what happened with this dance routine, just like she blamed herself for what happened last month...

"Alright. You both are in charge of choreographing our entire routine for when Riverdale goes to states," Cheryl blew a kiss towards Betty, "Have fun ladies," she winked at Veronica, "I know V will."

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