Chapter 5: Eye of Agamotto

Start from the beginning

"No more questions." Mordo said as he walks over to a stand and grabs a quarterstaff.

"What's that?" Strange asked, pointing at the staff.

Mordo points the staff at him and said. "That's a question." Strange laughs as Mordo continues. "This is a relic. Some magic is too powerful to sustain, so we imbue objects with it. Allowing them to take the strain we can not. This is the Staff of the Living Tribunal." And he takes the staff and and twists the staff and it makes a crackling sound.

Strange watches the staff in awe as Mordo said. "There are many relics. The Wand of Watoomb. The Bolting Boots of Voltor." And he kicks the heels of the boots on his feet as he said the last relic.

"They just roll off the tongue, don't they?" Strange asked as the two men circle around each other.

"When do I get my relic?" He asked Mordo.

"When you're ready." Mordo replied.

"I think I'm ready." Strange said.

Mordo chuckles and said. "You're ready when the relic decides you're ready. For now, conjure a weapon."

"Yeah." Strange mutters as he conjures up a luminous whip and the two begin to spar.

"Fight! Fight like your life depended on it!" Mordo shouted as, on the other side, you, the student and the Ancient One stop and watch the two men spar. Mordo then vaulted to the side and he starts to fly off to the side and get behind Strange.

Before Strange could react, Mordo comes up behind him and slammed the end of the staff into Strange's body. Strange falls and lands on his back. "Because one day, it may." Mordo said as he looms over Strange, who move to his side panting. Mordo walks away as you look over at the Ancient One, who nods, and you walk over to Strange.

"Are you okay?" You asked him as you hold out your hand to him. He smiles up at you and takes your hand and said. "Better now that you're here." You blush as you pull him up to his feet.

Weeks later, Strange, now in a blue tunic, sits by his desk with the tablet in front of him. He brought up the email app and was trying to figure out on how to apologize to Christene. Many times, throughout his stay at Karmar-Taj, he's been trying to figure out how to apologize to her, he did leave on bad terms with her, but with everything that's been going on; how do you explain all of this to a person over email and not sound crazy? He lets out deep sigh as he looks over at his bed and watches your sleeping form.

Earlier the two of trained some more on combat and you told him you were exhausted. Once your head hit his pillow, you were out like a light. Strange smiles as he thinks about these last few weeks with you.

Ever since that first kiss you shared, the two of you grew even closer, if that was even possible. You and him trained some more and when you two had free time, you and him would sit in his room or your room and talk about random stuff and learn more about each other. Also every now and then, the two of you would kiss and make out.

Normally, Strange would have slept with you by now already but something about you was different than the other women he has been with. You were special and he didn't want to ruin this connection you and him have and, also, he is the first guy you have ever been with, romantically.
So, he decided he wanted to take it slow with you and wanted to wait until the both of you were ready.

He looks out the window and sees the rain pouring down outside as he sighs once again. Making up his mind, he gets up, walks over to you, kissed your forehead and quietly walks out of his room and head toward the library.

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