3 - First night

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Eric returned to the sofa, trying to come up with a plan for the next days.


A knock could be heard at the door.

'Damn! Did Teddy hear it?'

If Teddy had woken up again, he would tear whoever was knocking to shreds. Straining his ears he couldn't hear anything coming from his bedroom and hadn't the time to check before another knock could be heard. Wrenching the door open with a scowl on his face Eric was about to bark at whoever had been knocking, when he looked at Sean's wife Christy who was standing there with a rather huge packet in her arms.

"Um sorry, hi, we must quiet, Teddy's asleep." Eric instantly deflated and whispered. "Come in."

She smiled and nodded at him.

Closing the door Eric continued: "I'm really grateful, Christy, for you doing this for us."

"Of cause we will help you Eric!" Christy replied. "You can tell me or Sean any time if you need further help. Now here I have some clothes for Ted to wear, until you will be able to get him more, also some pajamas and a toothbrush, for now."

Eric was flabbergasted. He hadn't expected this and bestowed Christy with one of his rare real smiles as a thank you. Then a thought crossed his mind: He wanted Teddy to have something to remember his parents by and also things he was familiar with in order for him to settle in easier.

"Actually I'd like to get some things out of his home in Abnegation for him, to remember his parents and to feel more at home here."

"That's a wonderful idea, Eric." Christy praised, making him feel somewhat proud. "I look after him, for you."3

"I want to accompany Sean when he's going to inform Markus Eaton tomorrow."

"Of cause, I tell Sean. Don't you worry."

When Christy was gone, Eric went to check on Teddy and since he found him sleeping peacefully, he went back to the living room to file a proper report about the ambush. He already had instructed Barry and Dan not to tell anyone about the child until further notice and would now have to fill them in about Sean's decision.


Once the report was done, Eric rummaged his kitchen for food, not wanting to expose Teddy to the chaos in the mess hall. He knew he still had some bread and a glance in the fridge revealed some cheese, sausage and an apple though, he hadn't a clue how that one had ended up there. Soft pads were approaching from the bedroom.

"Hey pal." Eric greeted him turning around. Teddy was tussled and he had put his clothes back on. Good.

"Hi Eric." Teddy replied shyly.

"I was going to fix us some food. So, I hope you like cheese?"

Teddy nodded.

"There is also an apple once you finished your bread. Come on, we're going to eat them on the couch."

The counter with its barstools, were he'd normally eat, were no use since he'd risk Teddy falling off. He absolutely had to do something about his furniture and furthermore Teddy would need a room for himself. Raking his finger trough his hair he sighed. There was so much to think about. Quickly he refocused on Teddy whose eyes had gone big:


"Really!" Eric reminded himself to always remember Teddy's Abnegation upbringing. There would be so many things be different here, big things and smaller ones which could make it harder for Teddy to settle in.

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