Now that the demon retracted a little, she could feel the pain of her wound again. Then she answered. "I wanted to come." She bit her tongue in regret, and corrected herself. "Well, I felt that I should come."

          Sarah smiled, and gently caressed Alice's cheek. "You're so strong Alice," she complimented. "Which is why I wanted to be friends when we first made eye contact."

          Alice returned a smile, but it melted away when she recalled the murder she committed. "I...I am not strong," she said.

          Sarah shook her head. "Yes you are!" she protested. "You survived a murder, a murder. You even got injured."

          I committed the murder, Alice thought. She wanted to tell Sarah, but all would go into chaos if she did. Alice shivered at the thought of Sarah's reaction when she found out that her best friend, was a murderer, and possessed by a demon. Alice knew that she had to keep it a secret.

          The buses came to a stop at the cemetery. Everyone one got off, their black clothed bodies dotting the parking lot like ants on an anthill. A sigh of cold wind chilled Alice's skin as her shoes clicked on the pavement. The church ahead was made of red bricks and built on a low foundation, and the windows were rectangular slits. Everyone of Oak Vale filed inside, and next to the alter, was and. Wellsworth's closed casket. The visions from the restroom inundated Alice's mind. She saw the blood splatter on the mirror, Ms. Wellsworth's head rolling away, and she could hear the screams. She snapped back into reality with a jerk of her head. She didn't realize that Sarah was right next to her.
          "Are you okay Alice?" Asked Sarah.

          Alice forced a nod. She was actually terrified. She felt like people were watching her. Suspecting that she was the murder. "Y-yes," she answered at last. "I'm just...chilly."

          Sarah pursed her lips, and sat beside Alice. She wrapped her arm around her friend's shoulder, and said, "I am still surprised that you were able to attend. Back at the orphanage, you were certainly very ill."

          Alice parted her lips to speak, but words failed her. But soon she quickly thought of a lie. "I just...needed to organize myself."

          Sarah looked at Alice skeptically. The low murmurs of the other folk in the church  brought Alice a cold feeling of suspense. Was Sarah staring at her because she knew the truth? Alice knew not. Then the Priest emerged from a door, and approached the alter. He set down his leather bound bible, and cleared his throat. "Today, we bid the beloved Maria William Wellsworth farewell, for she has left us, to join the almighty father in heaven. Everyone stand as we recite a prayer."

          The entire crowd stood, then Alice and Sarah. Alice's heart began to increase in speed, for she felt the blackness of the demon swell. She held on to all strength she had, trying ever so hard to prevent the demon from taking control again. Sweat grew in beads on her head, and her hands trembled. Alice saw Mrs. Jackson eyeing her, with a concerned and curious expression on her face. Oh god, Alice thought. Mrs. Jackson knows!  

         "O Lord, I pray to thee. Except the passing soul of Ms. Wellsworth, for she has left us, and those who loved her oh so dearly. Holy be thy name."

         "Holy be thy name," repeated the crowd in unison. Alice only muttered the words, and slightly bowed her head. She wanted to draw the least amount of attention upon herself.

         The Priest opened his bible near the middle, and recited another prayer. Alice's attention began to fade, and odd feelings began to consume her. Her stomach felt as if it were full of boiling water, and her spine felt like it was cracking. She heard otherworldly whispers in her head, and she picked up very few. Death...come to all...happen soon...screams will echo...

         With all the willpower inside Alice, she managed to force the darkness to back away. For a while at least. She let out a hard sigh, and closed her eyes. "Hold it together," she muttered, "hold it together."

         After the long prayer, everyone made there way outside to the cemetery. Alice stuck close to Sarah, and eventually held her hand. Sarah clearly noticed Alice was suffering, so she whispered in her ear, "Tell me what is wrong. I am your best friend, you can trust me."

         Alice's mind raced. How could she tell her best friend that she killed their math teacher? It was crazy! Alice imagined the horror and shock on Sarah's face, and the smell of a pungent prison. "I feel sick," she said quickly. "The cut on my side may be a little infected."

         "Oh dear," Sarah said, "do you want to sit in the bus and wait?"

         "No, I'll be ok," Alice answered. Possessed or not, Alice was always very strong, both physically and mentally. She got it from Richard, her father. As a matter of fact, Alice and Sarah were super relatable, although their personalities were quite different. Alice the strong willed and emotional, and Sarah the meek and kind.

         In the graveyard, two workers lowered a fine spruce casket into a deep hole. A tent stood above, and below it, were the grave and three chairs. Sitting in the chairs were the family members of Ms. Wellsworth, her sister, and two brothers. As the first shovel of dirt was tossed in the hole, Ms. Wellsworth's sister began to bawl. The Priest recited one last prayer, and the Mrs. Jackson wiped her eyes. Alice glanced around her, seeing Nick, who was a little teary, Charlie and his friends. For the first time, she saw truly mean people showing sympathy. For a small moment, Alice felt a small liking for the bullies, who she thought for a second had changed. But she knew that everyone in Oak Vale besides Sarah abhorred her, and that when she arrived back at the orphanage, they'd bully and tease her like they always did.

         Finally, the hole was full. Everyone huddled around the grave as the Priest said another prayer. Alice watched, feeling sad for those who lost a loved one. Alice knew the pain; it hurt more than a knife in the chest. But the evil inside Alice grew again.

         And Alice's sad face was replaced by a smile.

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