Chapter 4: Just One Look

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The door opened and I felt everyone's eyes fall onto me making me slide back in Aunt Cassandra's hands. She noticed because she lightly cupped me as she cleared her throat.

"Mr. Issac here is the new student I was talking about this morning" she said with a smile.

The man turned from the board and looked at Aunt Cassandra. He looked around on the ground and looked up and saw me in her hands and he smiled.

"You must be Mike Hamilton" he said softly.

"Yes sir" I said back calming down.

"Well its nice to meet can have a seat there" he said pointing to the empty desk in the front row of seats. Aunt Cassandra walked me over and put me down softly and gave me a sad smile which I returned.

"I'll come to get you for the period change and if I can't make it I'll tell Jordan to get you" she said kneeling down to I was eye level.

"Thanks Aunt Cassandra" I said as she got up and left.

I heard people mumbling behind me and I blocked them out when Mr. Issac cleared his throat getting everyone's attention.

"Stop with the gossip or I will give you all double the homework that will count as a quiz grade" he said angrily to everyone before he gave me a sad look and turned back around to the board to continue writing.

I hate math normally but, it really sucks to have it as your first period class. I was trying to keep up with what he was saying until the bell rang  making me jump and almost everyone laugh. I just looked down putting my stuff away when. Someone bumped into the desk making me fall off and I landed on something soft and warm...someone's hand. 

I looked up to see a very pissed off Aunt Cassandra which made me breath out in relief. 

"Are you OK?" she asked worried.

"I am thanks to you" I said wiping a tear from my eye.

"Can...can you take me to my next class so I can get this over with" I said making her sigh.

"Alright but, it will get better as time goes on and if someone does something I'll expel everyone" she said laughing at the end.

"Thanks" I said.

"No problem kiddo" she said picking up my stuff and brought me to my next class which was English and I learned I have second lunch with Jordan which is in the middle of the class period.

I was introduced to my teacher whose name is Mr. King. The bell rang and Aunt Cassandra put me on the empty desk in the front. Every single seat was taken in this class which made me gulp knowing that there was so many humans around me.

Halfway through class there was a knock on the door and then entered the most handsome man I ever saw. He was ripped and it looked like those clothes where going to rip right off of him and I wouldn't complain. He had dark brown...almost black eyes and midnight black hair.

I swear I heard all of the girls behind me sigh as I did. Then reality hit me...there was no more seats as Mr. Issac spoke up.

"I hope you don't mind Mr. Rossi but, you will have to share a seat with our newest student" he said rubbing his nose bridge. 

"I see an empty seat in the front" the sexy...I mean the man said.

Everyone else started to laugh which made me look down in shame.

"No "that empty seat" has Mr. Hamilton in it our newest student who happens to be a borrower human...I think you own someone an apology and than you better take a seat" Mr. Issac said.

I felt the ground shake as he walked over to me and I'm not going to lie it was scary. It was just seeing and feeling the power he had in each step.

He stopped right in front of me and bent down to look at me putting me in a shadow. 

"Sorry for not seeing you...I got back from a house fire and I'm exhausted, My name is Tim" he said before he sat down and shook the whole desk making me almost fall off until he caught me.

"Sorry..." he said hesitating at the end.

"My name is Mike" I said standing back up and moving all of my stuff to the end of the desk and sat down to take notes.

The class ended and I looked back at Tim because I felt him staring at me the whole time.

"Before you said you where at a house fire...Did you start it from staring at the house for an hour and a half straight?" I asked making him blush.

"Sorry...I just never saw anyone with borrower syndrome before and no I'm a volunteer fireman" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

That was when I heard my aunt clear her throat and I turned around.

"Hi Aunt Cassandra" I said happily running over to her.

She just laughed, "I missed you too sweetie" she said as I hugged her hand. I got my stuff and climbed on and looked back to see Tim getting his stuff and standing up.

"Nice to meet you Tim!" I yelled waving at him as my aunt took me to Jordan.

"You too" he said as we got out of the classroom.

"You might want to wipe that drool off of your face" Aunt Cassandra said with a chuckle.

I just looked down and didn't say anything which made her stop.

"What's on your mind?" she asked.

"You think mom and dad will return me if they find out I'm gay?" I asked looking up at her with tears in my eyes.

"Oh honey I was joking and no they would never" she said hugging me.

"I'm so scared that they would...they keep telling me that they would never but, I'm still scared" I said with tears in my eyes as Jordan walked over.

"Hey little bro" he said with a smile until he saw me.

"What's wrong, did someone hurt you?" he asked scared.

"Your little brother just came out to me by accident and got scared your parents will bring him back" she said. 

"Is that true?" he asked softly.

"Yes" I whispered.

He picked me up, "They would never and I wouldn't let them" he said hugging me and kissing the top of my head, "they would never do that" he repeated as he took me to my aunt's office and called mom and dad.

"Mike has something to tell you and was scared you would abandon him" Jordan said moving the giant phone over to me.

"Mom?" I squeaked.

"What is it sweetie?" she said.

"I'm gay" I said crying.

"Oh honey its OK don't cry we will always love you no matter what" she said gently.

"Son it's OK don't cry...we love you and we won't turn our backs on you for you being you" he said.

"Thanks...I love you both" I choked out and Jordan took the phone back.

He talked to them for a little and hung up with a smile on his face as he wiped a tear from his eye. I spent my lunch period in my aunt's office sleeping.

Before I fell asleep tho, I couldn't get Tim's face out of my head. I just thought, Just One Look it took for him to send my stomach into make my heart beat faster...How does he make me feel?

 A/N: I uploaded two chapters today because I got this in my head right after I published the last one...I hope you enjoy it because I enjoyed writing it so much :)

Borrower Syndrome: MikeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat