Chapter 2: New neighbour

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Sophie's pov:
I walk into my English class and my best friend, Layla calls out my name and taps on the seat next to her.
I walk over and sit down, putting my shoulder bag under my desk.
"New teacher is H.O.T" she fans her face with her hand.
"You know you could just say 'hot' like a normal person instead of spelling it out" I laugh. "And plus, he's your teacher you probably shouldn't talk like that, it's messed up"
"Well Sophie, 1, if you really have been my best friend since kindergarten then you would know that I am not normal and 2, you have to admit he is super attractive" she smirks at me and then looks back at the teacher.
I lean over and whisper in her ear "okay I admit, he is".
I look up at Mr Gosling, he's scanning his eyes across the classroom until he meets my gaze and smiles. I smile back.
"Okay so for those of you who don't know me, my name is Mr Gosling and I'll be your teacher for this year"
I hear a couple girls up the back whispering. "Hellooo mr gosling" one of them said. "Do you recon he'd be the type to hook up with students"
I cringe as they make comments about the new teacher and for some reason it makes me a bit jealous. I mean he's my teacher, I shouldn't feel jealous and I only just met him.

Amber Whitley puts her hand up and bites her lower lip, wiping some of her red lipstick off it. Amber was the "school slut" she had long blonde hair, blue eyes and the best body, but the only reason she had as many friends as she did was because they were either sluts too, or really eager guys that wanted to get in her pants. She hates me because I used to date her brother and then I broke it off when I found out he was cheating.
"Yes miss..?" Mr gosling says, asking for her name.
"Whitley. Amber Whitley aha, I was just wondering how old you are. Most of the teachers are like so old here and then there's you" she twirls her hair with her fingers and looks at him.
"Oh I'm not sure if that's an appropriate question but if you must know, I'm 21".
"Nice only three years" she says and the class laughs except for me and Mr Gosling. He reaches for a textbook on his desk, looking a bit uncomfortable from what amber had just said but then he changed the topic. "Okay so open up your textbooks to page 52..."

At the end of the day I catch the bus with Layla and walk home.
"Sophie" I hear a familiar voice call out and as I turn around I see Mr Gosling getting out of his car parked in the driveway of the house next to mine.
"Mr Gosling. You live here?" I ask
"Yeah, just moved in yesterday"
"Oh nice, I used to go to that house all the time when I was little. The pool is amazing" I smile.
"Well I guess I'll have to have a swim today then" he smirks.
"Well, see you at school tomorrow" I call out and walk in my front door.
"Hey honey!" I hear my mum call out from the kitchen.
"Hey mum" I say walking to the kitchen.
"How was school"
"Good, we have a new teacher and turns out he's our neighbour too"
"Oh isn't that funny, maybe I could ask if you could get some extra tutoring for English, you're really not going too well and you need to get your grades up if you want to graduate"
"I knowww" I sigh. "So what did you do today"
"Oh nothing much really, visited your dads grave after work and then cleaned a bit" a tear rolled down her face.
"Oh mum" I say empathetically as I walk over and give her a hug.
"I know it's been over a year but it's still such a shock" she cries.
"I know mum, it is to me too but we're gonna get through this together"
Mum smiles. "I love you. Now you should go do your homework, I'll be okay"
"Love you too" I say, walking towards the stairs and then up to my room.
I look out my window and see Mr Gosling diving into the pool. His body was like and angel and his abs looked rock solid. He looked up at me and winked, followed by a laugh, I couldn't hear him laugh but you could see it on his face. I quickly ducked down, embarrassed. "Shit" I whisper to myself.
Feeling awkward after being caught staring, I tried my best to avoid the window until he'd gotten back inside.
As it got darker, I lay in my bed just thinking and then slowly drifted off to sleep.
I wake in the middle of the night to a dog barking and I look out my window to see mr gosling walking outside and patting the blonde Labrador as it jumped up on his leg. He then sat on the concrete outside his door and the dog sat next to him, he looked up to the sky and the dog rested his head on mr goslings knee.

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