Chapter 10

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*Jerome's P.O.V.*

I heard the Captain's footsteps coming closer. In a quick movement I picked Emily up and put her in the bed as if she was sleeping. I walked back and stood next to Mitch. The Captain walked in.

"What the hell happened in here?!" The Captain yelled

"I got hurt with a piece of wood in our room so we snuck in here and got um gauze and stuff to clean it." Mitch lied
I just nodded

"But what was all the noise. I heard a thud and crashing noise." the captain asked

"The thud was when I fell. The crashing noise was um..when uh....-" I cut Mitch off by saying, "when he tripped on the loose board and fell on the desk." Mitch pretends his sides hurt by rubbing it with his hand.

The Captain just looked at us then asked on more question, "then why hasn't Emily woke up-". At that moment Emily's head shot up and she looked around massaging her head.

"What in the world happened?" she asked looking at us. I lied to her and told her what we told the Captain except I winked indicating I was lying and to go along with it. The Captain let back to his room.

She stood up and said, "ok spill it."

"Well you went blood crazy and attacked Mitch-" I was cut off by Mitch saying, "yeah you kinda scared me." He
Got behind me a bit and hugged my arm.

"Yeah anyways we got into a bit of a fight. Lucky you had a needle with the medicine that made you pass out." I said

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Mitch! It's just I haven't had a drink in days...Im feeling weak. So when you came to my door and I inhaled your scent I knew I was going to go crazy. I tried to push you away. Sorry........" she said turning around.

Mitch came out from behind me and took a step closer saying, "it's ok I forgive you."

"Ok but please don't get any closer. I don't want to hurt anyone.. "she said turning to face us.

*Emily's P.O.V.* (FINALLY lol)

"Well I'm going to go now...." I said going towards the door

"Wait! where are you going!" Jerome asked me

"Just to get a drink. Why?" I asked facing him

"Well can I come with you?" Jerome asked

"Yeah sure company won't hurt but just don't get so close." I said walking out.
I waited outside and heard Mitch and Jerome talking. Mitch left to his room and Jerome went to me.

"Ok just stay 5 feet behind." I said jumping down the tree. I landed on my feet without stumbling. I threw my hands in the pockets of my pants and walked along the trees.

"So can I ask you a question..." Jerome asked

"Sure" I said not really paying attention.

"Well the day we met and you fixed my shoulder you said you were a....vampire. So why didn't you go crazy and attack me." he asked

"Cause I had a drink before that. Right now I haven't had any in days so one drop of blood and my evil side comes out.."
I said

He just said ," oh." I stopped in my tracks. I looked towards the right and took in the scent of something I knew far to well. I ran off in that direction hunting it down.

After a minute or so I found what I was looking for. It was a wounded deer. It was going to die. I took in the smell and got down next to it ready to sink my fangs in. I turned my head slightly to see shocked Jerome. I looked at him and he turned around acting like he wasn't looking.

I found the perfect spot and I slowly bit down with my fangs. I sucked the blood right out until it was dry clean. Not one drop left. Sat down next to the now dead deer and licked the remaining blood off my lips. "That was just what I needed." I said standing up, "I feel energized."

Jerome just looked at me in pure shock.
"What?" I just asked

"N- nothing. lets just go.." He said turning around and took off running to get there faster. I ran after him and we came to the tree. We both went up.

I started walking towards my room. I could hear Mitch and Jerome talking. Once I was at my door I looked back to seem them hugging. I took a closer look and saw Jerome blushing. I turned back around and closed my door.

I should tell mitch..
Maybe later' I thought and went to working on more potions.

*Mitch's P.O.V.*

I heard Jerome's footsteps when he climbed up. I went to him and we started talking.

"so you back that was faster than excepted." I said

"Yeah she found a deer." he replied

"Well I've got a bit of the plan worked out" I told him

"Let's take a look huh?" he said walking towards our door. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a warm hug. I didn't want to let go. After a few seconds I did let go though just to not make it awkward.

"W- what was t- that for?" He asked stuttering.

"I just missed you." I said, "come on lemme go show you then beginning of the plan." I grabbed his hand and lead him to the room.

Aw lil bit of fluffiness there.
Oh yeah I think ima combine book 1 and 2 into this book. Baiiiiiiii again)

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