Chapter 1

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*Jerome's P.O.V.*

'Fuck I need to get out of here before they do anymore tests on me... They are starting to hurt more and more.
I know! When they come back to check on me I'll attack the person and make a run for it. But first I need to see what's new with my powers.' I thought to myself

I punched the wall as hard as I could. It left an imprint of my fist on the wall. I looked back at my knuckles to see the red fading away. Then I kicked it and it left my shoe print right next to the fist imprint 'still got my strength' I thought.

I put both my hands on the wall and started to climb up. In a few seconds I was upside down on the roof of my containment cell. I let go landed firmly on the ground without stumbling.
'alright last power to check' I thought

I sat down and concentrated closing my eyes. I looked back at me and I could see straight through myself.
"Perfect. Bring it scientists." I muttered under my breath.

I could hear footsteps near my door. I looked out the barred window and saw the newest scientist. It was still his first week on the job and he knew not to open up my door for anything.

"Hey you!" I whispered
He turned to me and pointed at himself mouthing out the word 'me?'

"Yeah you come here!"
He shook his head 'no.'

"Come on! Please!!" I begged
He gave in and took a few steps closer

"Finally! what's your name?"
"Dr. Jones....I shouldn't be talking to you!" he whispered

"Yet you still are." I said
He frowned, "what the hell do you want?"

"I need your help getting out of here!" I said
"No you can't leave! NEVER EVER." He whispers turning around about to leave

"Well I gave you a chance of life at least." I said pretending to give up
"What do you mean?" he asked turning around to face me again

"If you screw up in this job just once. They'll make you like me. You'll be trapped here being tested on for the rest of your miserable life." I lied ,"but if you help me we can escape together. We can forget about this place and make ourselves new lives worth living for."

He came up to the widow and turned off the bars. I smirked. He said, "new lives...promise?" He was holding the key to open this behind his back.
"Promise." I lied once more with the smirk flat on my face.

He slowly turned the key in the key hole then typed in the password.
The giant heavy door opened and the red alert went off.

I started running down the hallways with Dr. Jones following me. 'So naïve and young.' I thought. I ran until I saw the exist by then there was a gang of doctors behind me. CRAP I NEED THE KEY THE OPEN THE DOOR.

Dr. Jones and I had our back against the door. The gang of doctors pointed sleeping darts at us. "FREEZE!" one yelled.

I quickly grabbed the key from Dr. Jones's hand and picked him up holding him above my head

"Wha-???!!" He yelled

Two shot at us and they hit the Dr I was holding I threw him at them with such force knocked most of them out and leaving two conscious but trapped under the other bodies.

I unlocked the door and ran out.
It was dark out you can
never tell what time it was in that cell I was in. I ran towards a van I thought was empty.

I hot-wired it and drove off at the speed of light. I felt a pain in my right arm making loose control of the speeding car and turned to see two more doctors.

I jumped at one of them and snapped his neck making him collapse. The other one gave me another shot making feel dizzy. I threw a punch to the side of this head making him go unconscious then jumped on his brain making blood and brain go everywhere.

The car crashed into the side of the road falling into a ditch. I quickly out and looked around I could see a small town in the distance. I started running not realizing I was running faster than normal.

I stopped about half mile from the entrance and saw someone running out with a sack of some sort over there shoulder. I could hear a faint yell saying, "AFTER THAT THIEF!"

I decided I could follow him and maybe hide with him. I started running after him. My vision getting dizzier and more blurred by the seconds.

He ran into the nearby forest climbing up this huge tree. Maybe the biggest one in the world. I started climbing up following him. There was a platform he reached and I could hear more people up there. What is this?

I climbed up the platform and and looked around. I turned around to see an extremely blurry person holding a gun to me.

"Who are you?" They asked

"I-..I'm...Jerome....." I said. My eyes closed and all I saw was darkness...

also tell meh if you liked this!
I actually put thought into it!!
:3 I'm pretty freaking happy how it turned out! anyways THNXXX baiiiiiii!)

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