Don't worry. I have your back

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It was a beautiful morning at Ash's home. Serena opened her eyes and saw a scene made her blushed. She was laying her head on Ash's arm, while his other arm was wrapping Serena's waist. Serena then tried to wake Ash up to escape this position
"Ash, wake up, you dummy" Serena whispered to Ash, but he didn't open his eyes. Serena then decided to sit on Ash's stomach, although she blushed about this
"Ash! Wake up, blockhead!" Serena whispered as she flicked Ash's forehead, caused him to open his eyes slowly
"Hey, good morning Sere- WOAH WHAT THE HECK?!" Ash realized Serena was sitting on him, both of them were blushing madly
"I WAS FORCED TO!" Serena shouted
"WHAT DON'T YOU FIND ANOTHER WAY?!" Ash shouted back
"Well, eh, yeah." Ash blushed back, received a painful pinch of Serena
"But, you know, thanks to you, it was so warm last night" Serena said while blushing, so did Ash
"Well, we should prepare now, we have a big plan today" Serena climbed off Ash and went to the restroom. Ash just stunted there a bit. Little did Serena know, because of her, Ash's hormone had made his- never mind. This book was supposed to be PG, anyway

After they changed their clothes, they walked down for breakfast. May was cooking as she woke up first.
"I saw everything~" May smirked at them
"Y-You saw what?" Serena blushed
"You two are really is a lovey couple" May answered
"You stalked us?!" Serena tried to keep her cool
"You know, I can't wait to be an aunt in the next 2 years" May smirked, while Ash just smiling nervously
"W-What do you mean? I'm not gonna give "it" to that baka" Serena said
"Wait, what do you mean being an aunt, and what does that "it" suppose to mean?" Ash innocently asked, once again, made Serena and the author facepalmed
"You know what, eat quickly, we have to go" Serena reminded Ash

After finishing their breakfast, Ash and Serena opened the door to go out, just to be called again by May
"If you feel like you want to do "it", just get a room, okay?" May called, caused Serena blushing, while Ash didn't figure out what was "it"
Serena took Ash to a house, then knocked the door
"Password?" A mysterious figure said from inside
"Pokemon Sun and moon is the worst anime ever." Serena said
"Corrected, come in" The figure opened the door
"Hey Gary, long time no see" Serena greeted Gary
"Wait, Serena, I thought you don't have friend" Ash confused
"Well, I do, but Gary was my only friend before you. Gary is a former member of Xander Clan. He joined them, but decided to leave and make friend with me" Serena explained
"More like accidentally joined in, I thought it was some kind of charity foundation" Gary recalled
"Oh, Gary, this is Ash Ketchum. Ash, this is Gary Oak" Serena introduced them
"Hello there, Ashy boy" Gary greeted Ash
"Ashy boy?" Ash confused
"I usually pick a nickname for my friend"
"So what was Serena?"
"I'm too scared to pick"
"So you really scared huh, Oak tree"
"Hey, don't call me that!" Gary got angry because of the nickname, made Serena giggling
"You two sit here, I'll go get some water" Serena walked into the kitchen

"So Gary, you seem loke an optimistic person. How?" Ash asked Gary
"You know what, Ashy boy" - Gary whispered to Ash - "if you keep thinking about ladies, life is always beautiful af"
"Oh really, let me try" Ash then thought about all of the images that so cringy and sexual, even kids won't understand "Wow, much better now" Ash said
"ASH! I saw that!" Serena shouted from inside
"Wait, how did you know?" Ash scared
"Let's just say I'm psychic" Serena said
"Wow, she's really amazing, huh?" Gary asked
"I know" Ash answered
"So that's why you love her?"
"Wait, w-what, l-love her, no, hell no" Ash blushed
"What are you guys talking about?" Serena asked from inside the kitchen
"N-Nothing" Ash nervously answered, but still blushing hot, steaming, while the author was trying to remember if he had seem this scene before
"You know Ashy boy, me and you are gonna be good friend" Gary offered his hand to Ash
"I think so too, Oak tree" Ash shaked Gary's hand

They stayed at Gary's place until the afternoon. Ash and Serena leave his place, as they walked home one more time before Serena went home
"This Gary guy is really great huh?" Serena asked Ash
"Yeah, he's very friendly. Since you guys were besties, why don't you date him?" Ash asked back
"Because he's a freakin pervert" Serena flenched her fist. "By the way, what kind of girlfriend you love"
"Huh, why's that" Ash asked
"You know, that's friend right, to share their secret"
"Okay, I like girls with short hair, just not too short, and they always wear dress. I don't know, I kinda found it.... cute" Ash answered while blushing
"Okay, thanks, bye now, Ash" - Serena ran to her home, but suddenly walk back to Ash "You know, Ash, thanks for today" she quickly kiss Ash's cheek, caused him blushing madly, as he saw Serena ran to her home
"Back in Serena's home, as soon as she walked inside, she quickly grabbed her scissors and ran to the restroom, making her brother, Alain, confused
Serena looked at herself in the mirror as she was holding the scissors and sighed
"Well, time for a change, for Ash" then she started to cut her hair (BTW, she was the long-haired Serena version)

Meanwhile, Ash was walking to his house, then suddenly a figure jumped out the bushes and pin Ash to the ground. Ash tried to calm down and realized it was Calem
"What do you want, Calem?" Ash glanced at him
"Well, well, well, how dare you hang out with my girl?" Calem pinned Ash
"She's not your girl, and she never will!" Ash shouted to Calem
"You are from the Ketchum family huh, want to know this?" Calem smirked
"What, you butt face?"
"Remember the incident happen to team Alpha? It was my clan, Xander Clan. My father was the one who ended the Ketchums, well, not technically all of them, I think"
"You monster!" Ash shouted, started to shed a tear
"After the incident, my father keep working as the leader, Xantorus, before he got shot by some cops. But he gave his leader place to me, before he passed out"
"Wait, so you are-"
"Yes. My name is Calem Xander, and I'm the new leader of Xander Clan, or should I say, the new Xantorus. With my clan, I will once again ending the Ketchums once and for all, and winning Serena's heart"
"Oh yeah, well try it!" Ash shouted back to Calem
"SILENCE! You really have guts, huh? Well, this is my warning. Your life and your whole family depends on you" after that, Calem released Ash and disappeared
"Brother, you okay?" May ran to Ash and hugged him
"Don't worry, May. It's just a scratch"
"Is that guy-"
"Yes, he's the descendant of Xantorus, the leader of Xander Clan. But don't worry, I'll protect you"- Ash hugged May back - "Beside, I also have some new friends always on our back"

May smiled then walked Ash inside. But Ash still kind of confused. Out of the whole powerful forces and teams, why did he chose the Ketchums, Ash's family. And why did Serena asked him about the girlfriend things? And why didn't the author just end this chapter already, it's getting late. Well, only time will tell. Ash looked back and saw the fourth started to be broken- I mean, the beautiful moonlight, as he kept looking ahead to the future

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