The first encounter

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(Y/N)'s point of view:

"(Y/N)! HURRY UP! WE'RE GONNA MISS THE FERRY TO AKALA ISLAND!" Hau screamed. I were running as fast as you could, and Dartrix was flying above me, cooing at me. Lillie is already on the boat. "" I said, jumping onto the boat, panting. "Great! Now we can go!" Lillie said, clapping her hands rapidly.

--Time skip--

I woke up on the boat, my eyes having to adjust to the morning sun. *Poke poke* Who is poking me? I fall off the seat, seeing that Hau is poking my forehead. "Wake up! It's time for AKAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLAAAAAA ISLAND!" Said Hau in a sing-song voice. "OK, gimme some time."

--Tiny time skip brought to you by Null--

"OK, I'm ready! Let's GO!" I squeal. Me, Lillie, and Hau run off the boat, collapsing into the Akala grass. Us three run into Heahea city, Lillie squeals. "OH. MY. ARCEUS! IT'S GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!! I WANNA GO TO THE APPAREL SHOP!!!! RIGHT. NOW!" "Wow Lillie calm down" Hau smiles and puts his hands behind his head. "You can go to the Apparel shop, while me and (Y/N) go see the Pokemon around here!" "YESSSSSS!" Lillie runs away. "Huh..." Hau looks at Lillie running away, a pink tint rising on his face. I elbow Hau in the side, "OK lovey Pidovey, lets go!" Me and Hau run to route 4, encountering TONS of Lillipups, and a few Eevees, Mudbrays, and Pikipeks. Hau ran ahead of me, he's probably passed route 5 by now. I continue onto route 5, after healing my team.

I walk onto route 5, and are immediately ambushed by two team skull members. "Yo kid, give us your Pokemon yo! If you don't have any Pokemon, we'll just deal with you our selves yo!" The blue haired grunt said as he pushed you to the ground, grabbing your Eevee and holding a pocket knife up to it's neck. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I know we're supposed to be bad, but this is OUT. OF. LINE" A voice growled from behind the grunts. A boy with platinum blonde hair and a fringe that covered half his face walked up to them and said, "Why don't you two scram, I'll take care of this." "Whoa there yo! We know you're an enforcer yo, but not our boss yo!" Complained the grunt. "SCRAM. NOW." Hissed the boy. "Jeez, ai't fine!" The two Grunts ran off.

The boy bent down and grabbed my arm, pulling me up. Since my legs were still weak with fear, I fell right into his chest! "Oh my Arceus!" The boy looks up at you with his emerald eyes... flustering you a bit. "I--I'm so sorry!" I stuttered, getting off of him. Your face heated up as he looked at you and blushed a little. He turned around trying to cover his face. "I--It's fine. They were acting out of line." Said the boy. "Hey, what's your name?" He turned around to look at me, his face pink. "(Y-(Y/N)." I managed to squeak out. "What's YOUR name?" "Gladion." That was a nice name, you liked it. Me and Gladion just stood there for a bit, in an uncomfortable silence. "Well, I should go, bye (Y/N)." "B--Bye Gladion..."

A/N- Hey all! Sorry this is so short, but from now on the plot won't really play out like it does in the game. I've decided that I'm going to try and update as often as I can, since I love love love writing this! Anyways, Peace!

Type: Love (Gladion x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora