It must have been the alcohol that made me so bold.

Once I was standing there only in a bra and cheeky panties our eyes met and all I saw was pure lust. He flexed his jaw.

I smiled inwardly.

I turned and walked back to the edge of the dock, sitting down with my feet submerged in the water. I gazed up at the stars and noticed the planets that surrounded us. They were as close as the moon was to the earth, a few even closer. I gazed in wonderment, entranced by how beautiful everything was around me.

All of the sudden I was picked up from the floor and held in Roger's arms. He wasn't wearing a shirt and we were skin to skin. A shiver found it's way through me, but was cut short when I noticed Roger's intention.

"Oh no. No. No." I looked at him wearily when I saw the sinister glint in his eye that told me he was up to no good.

"Roger, No. Put me down."

He only laughed as he ran off the dock and jumped, submerging us both fully in the lake's dark depths.

I swam back to the surface and took in a deep breath. When he surfaced I splashed him in the face, "You ass!" I yelled. He then dove back down and grabbed my leg from under the water, dragging me down with him. I kicked my leg free and swam alongside him, punching his arm.

When I rose I swam back to Roger who was looking away from me. I stealthily got behind him and pushed his head in the water, wrapping my arms around his neck from behind. He didn't seem affected, just swimming deeper in the water with me on his back. It was kind of fun, actually. He swam to the opposite end of the lake and I detached from him as we neared the land.

"Want to use the rope?" He asked, eyes lighting up.


He nodded and waved me over as he walked towards the forests edge, "Come on."

I followed him into the trees and we reached a piece of land that rose high above the water. There was a tree at the edge with a rope attached to it. Roger gripped it and ran from the land, hovering over the lake and let go of the rope, falling into the black water that mirrored the stars with a yell of excitement.

I covered my mouth in surprise. We were just so high up!

He surfaced and called out to me, "Come on, jump!"

I looked at him nervously and glanced at how far the water was from where I was standing. He had guts.

I bit my lip.

"Nat, come on!"

To hell with it. I shook my head and grabbed onto the rope. I backed up and began running toward the edge, jumping off the edge with a scream.

"Yeah!" Roger yelled out as I let go and screamed, falling into the water just a few feet from where he was floating.

The water enveloped my whole body and I felt butterflies throughout my stomach. I swam to the top and grinned at Roger, laughing from the rush it gave me. Nothing like a little cliff jumping to get the endorphins flowing.

I swam over and latched onto him, "Oh my god! That was the most fun I've had in a long time" I giggled.

His eyes darkened and as looked at me.

I swallowed, becoming nervous from his intense gaze. There was a static between us that I hadn't felt before.

"Let's go again," I tried to escape the tension building between us. I swam back to land and he followed me.

I took in a shaky breath as I began walking on the grass. What was that?

Roger jogged up next to me, back to his usual lighthearted self.

"I'm shocked, Gates, thought you'd be too chicken," the side of his mouth quirked up.

"Who, me? Oh no Roger you are sadly mistaken. Natalie Gates is no chicken." I took in his shirtless body that turned to walk backwards in front of me. The water made his boxers cling.

I bit my lip.

He smirked, "What do you say we get a little higher?"

"Higher?" I squeaked, snapped out of my trance. That wasn't highest?!

"Yeah," he nodded his chin at a cliff that rose about twenty feet higher than the first place we jumped, "unless that's too much for you."

He paused in front of me.

I squared my shoulders and stepped up to him, "Let's do it."

He ushered me forward and I began my walk. I looked ahead in the forest when what looked like two glowing eyes stared at me. I stopped, my heart going into overdrive.

I blinked and they were gone. What the hell? I shook my head, it must have just been the alcohol messing with me. 

"Scared?" Roger taunted me. He didn't see it. 

"No, I--," I paused, unsure. 

He chuckled, placing a hand on my lower back, "Come on." 

I followed him up the way and we stood on the edge of the cliff, much higher than we were before. I swallowed, forgetting all about the eyes I thought I saw earlier. I have to jump off this?

Of course I did, I couldn't back out now. He would only fun of me for a week if I didn't.

But we were just so high...

"Are you going to jump or what?"

I eyed him, looking over the edge of the cliff again. I just had to do it.

A swarm of butterflies erupted from me as I took a few steps back, preparing to launch myself.

Roger watched my every move diligently.

I gave him one last look and made a run for it, leaping off the cliffs edge. I screamed until I fell through the water's surface. Holy shit.

I surfaced and Roger stood at least fifty feet above me, laughing and clapping. Then he ran off the edge, howling with his deep voice as he did a backflip into the water.

He fell through the water a few feet next to me, and pulled my leg as he swam to the surface. He faced me with a deep grin. It was infectious.

"I had no idea you were such an adrenaline junky" I spoke.

"In due time," he smiled at me secretly.


I undressed in the bathroom and showered off the lake water. After drying off I put on one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxers that graciously lent to me. It was a first, him giving me a dry pair of clothes without a hassle.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room, lying down on my couch bed.

He came over to me with a cup of water and set it on the table next to me, "Here drink some water, you're probably dehydrated."

I stared at him, surprised he was taking care of me. He looked at me funny, "What?"

"Nothing. Thank you," I quickly reached for the cup, gulping down the liquid.

"You know, I'm going to have to go shopping at some point. I can't just keep wearing your clothes."

He nodded, "I'll take you tomorrow."

"Thanks," I smiled at him gratefully.

"Night," he half-smiled.

"Yeah, night," I smiled back. Why is he being so nice to me?

I shook my head, it was probably just the alcohol.

He shut out the light to the living room and I fell asleep with the night.

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