Put It In My Mouth

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Noah introduced his show as everyone crowded behind him, telling the cameras that it was his birthday celebration, and in honor of his birthday he was going to go speed dating with all of his friends. Joven was first, and I got a glimpse at what I would be tasting on my date with Noah.

Noah invited me to be his date and I stepped forward happily, "For those of you who don't know, but should know, this is Eden!"

Ian popped his head into view of the camera, shouting, "That's my seester!"

I shook my head as he moved back to stand beside Anthony behind the camera. I looked around me to see Lasercorn sitting on the counter in his pajama pants, "I don't even know that guy!" I exclaimed, turning my attention to Noah, "Oh, hi! What food have you provided for our date?" I asked him with a smile as he handed me a clean spoon.

"I don't know exactly," he told me with a laugh, "but we shall find out soon."

Without any type of preparation we dove in, feeding one another a spoonful of the white ice cream. Immediately, I wanted to throw up. The texture was cold, soft, and gritty, and it tasted like bland cheesy butter, "What the hell is that monstrosity?" I exclaimed as I forced myself to swallow the bite.

"I'm thinking some type of popcorn, maybe?" I shook my head.

"I think it's grits or some type of oatmeal!" I exclaimed, trying to get the taste out of my mouth, "The texture was disgusting!"

I rated it a five on the scale mainly based on its texture, but Noah gave it a four, saying that it wasn't bad. He asked the producers, and we had eaten cheesy grits ice cream, "Well, that was a lovely date," I said to Noah with a laugh, "We should do it again sometime!"

"Of course, yeah!" He said to me and we hugged, "Definitely, if I ever decide to eat cheesy grits ice cream again, I'll summon you." I laughed and walked to where the camera couldn't see me, noticing Anthony watch me from beside Ian as I moved to stand by Mari and Olivia.

When the cameras stopped rolling, I found Mari, Courtney, and Olivia, and we hid in the main bathroom, "I know what happened," I told them as we sat in the giant tub together.

"Ian?" Olivia asked and I nodded, "Lasercorn still won't talk to you?" She asked me quietly with a frown and I nodded.

"The only way for my new plan to work is for Ian, Anthony, and Lasercorn to see at the same time," I told them hesitantly, "I want to make out with Wes."

"Woah," Courtney's eyes widened, "How would that help anything?"

"Well, I was hoping that they'd all react in some way that would help us figure everything out," I shrugged, adding, "tell me if it's crazy."

"It's insane!" Courtney said a bit loudly, and I glanced at Mari.

"It may be genius," Mari said with a slight laugh, "If they start arguing it is going to go down!" She said in a loud whisper, "What if something goes wrong?"

"Well, of course, we will have to prepare first," I told them, "I'm not just going to pounce."

"What about Lasercorn?" Courtney asked with a frown, "What if he gets upset when he sees you kissing Wes?"

"All three of them are going to be upset," I told her, "That is the point, things can't be fixed when you don't realize that they are broken. I want them to argue."

Courtney flashed me a hesitant smile, saying, "I hope your idea works."

"I'll talk to Wes, and make sure he understands," I said to them, "But, here is the plan."

We exited the bathroom and I moved to find Wes standing in the living room, "Wes, can I talk to you for a minute?" I reached for his hand and guided him out of the room. I held Wes' hand and pulled him up the stairs towards the third floor, passing Lasercorn on the way up.

"What's up?" He asked as I dragged him into the upstairs bathroom and locked the door, "Why did you lock the door?" He asked me innocently.

"I need you to do me a favor," I told him quietly, awkwardly avoiding his eyes as I thought of a way to word it, "I can't necessarily tell you what I need you to do," I shrugged, "but I can offer you a batch of cookies."

"Interesting," he said, narrowing his eyes at me, "But what will I have to do?"

"Two batches of cookies?" I asked him with a cheeky grin.

"I'll do it, but can you please just tell me?" he asked, pulling me into a hug.

"What was that for?" I asked as I stepped away from him.

"You seemed stressed," he smiled at me as he held both of my hands, "Now, tell me what you need me to do, and I'll do it."

"First of all, I need you to know that we are just friends," I said to him, and he began to shake his head.

His eyebrows raised for a moment and he sighed, "Eden, do you want me to kiss you?" He asked before I could tell him, "In front of who, exactly?"

"You already said that you would do it!" I exclaimed quietly and he shook his head, waiting for his answer, "Ian, Anthony, and Lasercorn." I told him quickly.

"You're brother!" He exclaimed and I shushed him. He spoke in a whisper, "You want me to kiss you in front of Ian?" He asked, "Do you want me to actually get thrown off of the third floor balcony?"

"As if, Wes! Ian couldn't lift you even if he tried!" I pleaded, "Please, do this for me!"

"Why?" He asked, crossing his arms firmly against his chest, "Why should I do this for you?"

I growled to myself, "Because I want to talk to Lasercorn, okay?" I whispered roughly, and his jaw slightly dropped, "Ian messed everything up somehow, and I'm pretty sure Anthony was the reason behind it. I want the three of them to argue so Lasercorn will talk to me again."

"What does Anthony have to do with a typical protective older brother story?" He asked me and I glared at him for a moment.

"Do I have to tell you everything?" He rolled his eyes and I huffed, "Please, Wes, will you do this for me?" He nodded and I hugged him again, "Thank you so much, Wes!" I said to him before stepping back, saying, "Choose dare."

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