❤️Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: Holy Cow They Are Inside...

I awoke and got up out of Wills lap. I made myself a latte and then took my clothes and got changed in the viewing room of my dance studio. I came back out and noticed that Will was up too.

I walk to the couch and sit down next to him.

"Today is the day" I sigh.

He wraps one arm around my shoulder and gives me a quick squeeze

"It will be ok babydoll. I won't let anything happen to you"

I recall last night as I dozed off to sleep, those words he said to me... I couldn't believe it.

I smiled up at him.

"Do you wonder what is going on outside right now" I ask Will

"Absolutely, I've been thinking about it this whole morning"

I nod my head, I'm not the only one then.

We then hear a burst and a bunch of crashing and banging sounds coming from what sounds like in Wills house.

Holy cow they are inside.

I worriedly look up at Will and he just pulls me into his arms.

"Remember what I said, I will protect you babydoll"

He kisses my forehead and then grabs my hand and walks to a metal chest in the corner of the room. This was the one that Zack brought in when we first moved everything into this room.

He opened the chest. And what was inside was so strange but cool at the same time.

There was a bunch of high tech gear and guns. A few different sized guns.

Will pulled out a black belt thing and clipped it around his waist. He then pulled out a little hand gun and placed it in his belt and then grabbed out a slightly bigger gun and put it in the other side.

Then Will grabbed a pink belt the same as his and clipped it around my waist. He pulled out a little pink hand gun and stuck it in my belt.

"I have no idea how to shoot a gun. I don't want to kill anybody"

He grabs my hand and then pulls me into my dance studio.

"I will teach you don't panic. If you panic you won't be able to shoot properly, you have to be confident. As for the killing part, your gun won't kill anyone when you shoot them it will just really hurt so you have time to get away. You don't have many bullets so you need to be cautious when you shoot. This is how you hold a gun"

He taught me everything he thought I needed to know.

"Your ready babydoll"

I looked at his shocked. I know this was just incase but I was super petrified. I started to cry a little.

"Hey hey hey what's wrong?" He asks squatting a little in front of me, his 6'1 frame towered over my 5'3 frame.

He held my biceps as he looked me in the eye.

"I... I.... I just am scared, I can't believe this is happening, what if someone gets hurt, my family, any of you guys, what if I get hurt, I'll never forgive myself" I blurted out in the midst of my crying.

"Awww babydoll, I won't let anyone hurt your family or your friends, and especially not you. Because..."

We then heard the sort being broken into and screams coming from Brooke.

Will and I exchanged a glance and then snuck back to the room.

"We need to get out of here" he Whispered and grabbed my hand. He pulled me along behind him back out the dance studio through my room.

"We need to go out your window"

"MY WINDOW?!?" I whisper yell

"It's alright babydoll, I'll go first so I can help you at the bottom"

And then he just jumped. Will landed on his feet and held his arms out and gave me a nod. I could hear the door bursting behind me as the people were trying to break into my room. I started climbing down as I heard the door break down and the people come into my room.

"Just jump, I got you babe"

I did as Will said and jumped. He caught me in his arms and started running.

"Will they are pointing thier guns at us"

He pulls his gun out and just shoots over his shoulder without even looking. Both the guys fell to the ground.

"Woah, you just shot them both down without looking. That's impressive"

"What can I say babydoll, there's stuff you still don't know about me. There is a reason all these people are out to get me and you. But I don't know who the ringleader of it all is and these people will go to no lengths to get what they want"

He was started to sweat from holding me up and running, yes, you heard right, he was carrying me while running and that is stamina.

"You can put me down I can't run by myself for a bit"

"No babydoll, I am not putting you down I will feel safer holding you"

"Omg your so hot" I whispered under my breath.

"Thank you beautiful" he replied giving me a quick kiss on the cheek still running.

He took a turn into a white grand looking house. He looked like he knew where he was going.

We got into the house and Will put me down. He grabbed my hand and then started to walk me into a room.

I then feel something cold around my wrist. I look down and notice that O am handcuffed to Will.

I give him a worried look as he just gives me a chill look.

"So we finally have our two lovebirds trapped in the same house with us"

I turn around and see Alex.

"Omg Alex, I haven't seen you for ages!" I exclaim.

"Can you please help us get these handcuffs off our wrist, mines hurting a little and I have no idea how they got on there"

He gives a big laugh. Will leans over and whispers into my ear.

"Babydoll, Alex is the one who put the handcuffs on us, he is the bad guy"

"Your the bad guy?" I ask

"Well not the ring leader but the assistant of the main boss" he smirks.

My face drops, I thought he was a good guy even though he disappeared for ages.

I couldn't believe it. This guy was Wills friend and then just turned on him like that. That's why the guys warned me about him.

Does that mean he was behind all those messages?...

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