Hearing the door shut, I looked up to see Noah coming over to wrap his arms back around my body. My body froze again, not wanting to get close to Noah.

"No, Noah. I... I can't get close to you." I tried to push him away but he was actually stronger than he looked. He looked up at me before saying,

"Yes, you can. It'll be okay Wes, I'm not going to hurt you."

Finally getting out of his arms, I stood in front of the window while crossing my arms over my chest. "You don't know that. Everyone I've gotten close to has hurt me, or left. If I start to get close to you, it'll only be a matter of time before you leave too."

I felt ashamed when tears were stinging in my eyes, quickly wiping them away. Ever since I was little, my father told me crying wasn't for men. Guys had to be strong and tough, crying was for women. But right now, all I wanted to do was cry.

I wanted parents that didn't leave me in the middle of nowhere. I wanted a boyfriend that didn't date me on a dare. I wanted to feel something, but couldn't stand getting hurt.

"I've had to face humiliation in high school, as well as heart break. I had to face isolation in foster homes." Turning back towards Noah, I couldn't keep the tears in any longer. They slowly started to slide down my face as I said, "I don't deserve happiness. So I'd like it if you'd leave my room please."

Instead of leaving, Noah walked up and wrapped his arms back around me. Instead of telling him to leave me alone, I wrapped my arms around his smaller body. For once, I was going to be selfish and do something I actually wanted to. I was well aware that this could be a bad idea, allowing myself to get close to someone. But with Noah, it just seemed different.

Closing my eyes, I buried my face into his neck and sighed. He felt so warm and soft against my body, it felt nice to hold someone. Justin hardly ever touched me, he always acted as if my body had some type of fungus growing on it. No other guy had ever touched me like this, and it actually felt really nice.

Noah's hands were wrapped tightly around my waist, keeping my body firmly against his. I could feel his eyelashes against my chest, something that was making my heart start beating even faster. Just having him hold me like this, made me feel pathetic. My own parents had hardly touched me growing up, almost never gave me a hug.

Loud sobs started coming from my mouth, as my shoulders started heavily heaving. It felt as if everything I had ever held in was coming out. I was crying for my parents, for Justin, and just my life in general.

I felt Noah gently guide me over to the bed, where he pulled me closer. He was slowly running his fingers up and down my arm, his head resting against mine. I must've looked pathetic in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled while pulling back.

He simply shook his head while he pulled my body back to his. "Shh don't apologize. Let it out."

"I don't even know why I'm crying," I said as my voice started to crack.

"You have someone here for you this time. Okay?" He asked while looking into my eyes. He smiled a small smile, his thumbs slowly wiping my tears away.

Moving away from him, I put my hands into my hair while standing in the middle of the room. "I think it might be best if you leave."

"Wes, let me in."

My body tensed when he was standing right behind me, his small hand landing on my shoulder. Shoving him off, I wiped the last of my pathetic tears away before sighing. "Leave me alone."

Jet Black Heart (boyxboy) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now