His head swooped down to my neck fanning on it. "If I didn't have work today I would be making you squirm and dance for me all day if you know what I mean." His dirty mind turned me on a lot so I shiver.

Laughing he tells me bye and he's out the door. Now notching how much I really cared for him I decided to throw the letter in the trash.

That was a big step I promised myself to get him back and here I am caring and crushing on him.

I heard the door shut and it wasn't a slam so he must of been in a good mood.

I have always liked him the first day we meant I was intrigued yes he was an ass but that didn't stop him from being hot I don't even think its possible for him to ever not be hot.

"Abigail get in here!" Toby called from the living room I guess he couldn't understand I could here him without him shouting down the hall.

"What sir I was-" I stopped mid sentence I saw him taking off his clothes. My eyes were wide there went his shirt revealing those abs I almost let out a sigh but I held it in.

"Um..what are you even doing Toby did you just feel the need to strip only to your boxers?" I asked him checking him out for the third time now.

No I told you while you were zoning out." I have to stop being obvious about these things. I suppressed the urge to runt hands down his toned stomach.

"I'm going to go to the bedroom I want you to make dinner." He was walking off to the bedroom while I saw that perfect ass. Now I knew why he striped to his boxers he was going to take his nap.

I was looking through the cook book to fid something good to eat for diner.

I closed the book and grab the quick diner packets from the cabinet.

They were Chinese noodles which were just going to have to do. I got done putting mine in the microwave, when I heard his footsteps I put his in there too.

"You dinners in the microwave and I just put it-"

"Shut up Abigail!" He cut me off agin. What did I do now to piss him off? I had a gut feeling tonight was going to be one of the worse nights of my life.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" I was not going to take this no more it sucks. I hate it when he gets moody.

"When were you planing on telling me huh?!" He went to the living room and there's me following like an idiot.

"Tell you what, Toby whats wrong?" He handed me a letter, as I open it to take a glance my mind went blank. I looked at it up and down I would explain but I think I deserved what was ever coming to me.

"I can explain this just please-"

"Save it Abigail I don't care, why would you write a letter like this, how could you write a letter like this?" I wanted to cry, man I'm a bitch.

"You hit me and you hurt me Toby I'm sorr".... he walked off and went in the room packing my stuff on impulse.

"I want you out and next time you ever need help I won't be there to save your ass." My body went limp at his words he really is kicking me out. My stuff was in bags, as he carried it out into his limo.

I started shaking now all I wanted to do was cry. I threw it away Its not like it was in an envelope ready to be mailed.

I didn't know where to, how to get money and most of all how to process never seeing him agin. Goodbye was coming and I swear life hates me.

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