Chapter 13: Fairytale Wedding (Picture of Gemma)

Start from the beginning

"Listen love, I just wanted to apologize for everything past and present. I realized I have a lot of growing up to do." He said sincerely. "By the way you look spectacular." A soft smile tugging at his lips. "Friends?"

I thought about it for a moment, what the hell did I have to lose? Life is short, may as well live it with no regrets.

"Friends...apology accepted." I beamed. "You look rather striking yourself."  I said grateful that he didn't allow things to be awkward between us.

We could hear the music playing softly from inside the church, which meant it was time for us to start walking in. Ethan held out his elbow for me to grab onto and we filed in.

The church ceremony was long, but very touching. We all couldn't wait for the reception, time to party!

Heading out of the church after Reese and AJ were pronounced husband and wife, we all threw handfuls of confetti at them. I never understood the meaning of rice...that crap hurts!

We all posed for a whole lot of pictures together in the church garden. I'm sure the pictures would come out beautiful with the backdrop of the different flowers.

Hopping into the car with Zac, Aiden, and Chad we made our way over to the hotel. Reese and AJ ended up taking the limo we came in, so us girls needed to find our own way. All the guests were supposed to be there first before the bride and groom arrived.

The music was playing softly when we entered the beautifully decorated hall. Wild exotic flowers were the center pieces of each table. White twisted curtains billowed from the ceiling at an angle, all of it meeting at the center of the room where it was connected to a swing set.

Off to one side was the open bar and chocolate fountain of fondue. At the front of the room was a long rectangular table, similar to the one at the rehearsal dinner...oh goodness, hopefully we won't have a repeat!

The table easily sat twenty people straight the center was Reese and AJ. Then at each side of them was myself and Ethan. Next to me was Zac, Reese insisted he sit up there with us, along with Chad, Aiden, all the bridesmaids, and groomsmen.

The dance floor eminated a pinkish tinge to it as a strobe light swirled around casting hearts all over the place.

They hired a DJ instead of a band, wanting things to be more up beat. There was well over three hundred people here. It was absolutely amazing.

When AJ and Reese arrived, everything came to life. They waltzed in as Mr. and Mrs. Dimato, immediately starting off the night with their first dance as a married couple.

Their song was called Just a Kiss by Lady Antebellum. The knot I got in the back of my throat was making it difficult for me to swallow, as tears that welled up in my eyes spilled over while watching my best friend who's been there for me for so much...finally get the happiness she deserves.

Zac's arm wrapped around my shoulder pulling me closer to his side, his fingers stroking my bare shoulder as he whispered in my ear. "You ok beautful?" He placed a gentle kiss on the side of my head as I nodded, wiping away the tears. Dammit! My make up was probably running!

I glanced to the side and saw that Gemma was crying too!. Maybe it's just a girl thing, most of the women had tears in their eyes. Such a beautiful moment.

As soon as the song ended, I stood from my seat. "Be back in a few baby." I whispered against Zac's lips.  I make my way over to the couple to help Reese change.

She already decided she didn't want to stay in her wedding gown, so she bought a dress to change into.

"I'm so happy for you." I choked out as we stepped into the changing room, grabbing her into a hug.

"Thank you for everything, Kaila." Reese's voice came out in a whisper. "It's like a dream come true." She said hugging me back. "I can't wait for your dream to come true."

We laughed a little when I pulled back and gave her my best deer in headlights look. I was terrified of starting the whole wedding planning process....and thinking more and more about eloping...haha!

Helping Reese change into a simpler white gown, we hurried back out to the reception. By the time we made it back out there all the food was already served up.

We sat down and enjoyed the food, then came the toasts. Thank god Ethan didn't have a repeat of the rehearsal dinner! Both AJ and Reese's parents proposed a toast, thank god I didn't have to say some sort of speech.

Reese knew how I felt when it came to being the center of attention, it wouldn't have turned out pretty if I needed to get up and speak in a room full of hundreds of people.

After all the formalities were done and over with, the DJ cranked up the music and it became more of a party then a wedding reception.

Almost all the guests were staying at the hotel, so open bar...really meant just bar.

I wasn't drinking much a few glasses of white wine. This wasn't the type of occassion where you get off your rocker drunk and make a fool of yourself. Looking around I could pretty much see that my group of friends were thinking the same thing.

Everyone was mingling, I could see Chad talking to Jasmine and Aiden was off to the side talking to some ladies that they met.

Reese and AJ cut the wedding cake, shoving some of it in one another's faces. We toasted one last time before some guests with young children began leaving.

I wasn't ready to leave yet, I still had a few hours left in me. This night was going perfectly and I wanted to treasure it for as long as I could.

"Can I have this dance?" Zac asked wrapping his arms around me from behind as I stood there talking to Gemma. I recognized the song that began playing as Marry Me by Train.

"Of course." I answered turning around in his arms and grinning up at him.

Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I entwined my fingers around the back of Zac's neck. Zac hugged me close to him by my waist.

He leaned the side of his face against mine as I tucked my head into the crook of his neck.

 "I love you so much Kai." Zac sighed happily, "I can't wait until our special day."

"Me either baby, me either." I agreed. This night was the perfect end to a fairytale wedding. I just hope our wedding turns out just as enchanting as it was tonight.

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