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Takumi POV
Rirchiyo grabbed my hand
" I choose him" she looked up into my eyes and her eyes showed sorrow yet so much passion.
Everyone gasped.
" erm are you sure miss?" I began to blush.
" yes after all I'm single and a woman now so I choose who I want to be with and that's you Takumi!" She giggled.
" I have no problem with that but what about you Soushi" I smirked looking towards him, clearly he still loves her or he wouldn't be standing there catching flies.  I shook my head and carried my love bridle style up to her room.
" if you need anything Miss don't hesitate to ask"  I turned around and was about to walk off until she tugged on my sleeve.
" stay with me" she blushed.
My eyes widened at her adorable expression and I sighed. My fringe hung over my eyes so they weren't visible.
" are you sure about that miss? I might do things I shouldn't" I heard her breath hitch and I smirked at her.
" yes- I-I know that Takumi and call me Rirchiyo"
" ok" my cheeks turned pink slightly.
" come now" she tugged me into her apartment. I didn't expect what was to happen that night.

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