Chapter 3

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At Neegana's Place.

Shawn: Hey,I'm here!

Neegana: Good,Come with me.

Shawn: *Walks with her to a different room,And sees someone really mess up*Oh my god.This one?

Neegana: Yeah,Go on.

Shawn: *Uses his healing power,They falls to the ground*Hff,Hff,There.

Neegana: Thanks,Kid.You can go and get some rest.

Shawn: Okay,Thanks.*Gets up and walks to a different room*

Back at the house.

Carly: Wonder,If his okay?I better go find him.*Walks into the woods*

Shawn: *In the woods walking around,And sees Carly*Carly?

Carly: SHAWN!!!*Runs up to him*You okay?

Shawn: Yeah,I'm fine.*Faints*

Carly: Shawn!*Takes him back to the house*

Back at the house

Shawn: *Wakes up*Huh?Where am I?

Carly: You're with me,You okay?

Shawn: Yeah,What happened?

Carly: You passed out.

Shawn: That explains the headache.

Carly: I'm glad,You're back.

Shawn: Me too.

Neegana: *Walks in*Grab him!

Shawn: Huh?Hey let me go!!!

Carly: Let him go.

Neegana: Stay out of this.

Shawn: *Taken by neegana*

Carly: Shawn.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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DemonHuman Love Chapter 3Where stories live. Discover now