His tongue licked my bottom lip wanting to be let in, so I let him. Our tongues danced around each other’s.  I closed my eyes and I savoured every moment I could, taking in the sweet taste of Dale, the way he tongue felt against mine and how his arms where wrapped tightly around my waist. Everything was perfect.

All of a sudden Dale’s lips were ripped apart from mine. I looked around slightly dazed and confused and found Dale lying on the floor covered my Evan. I’d completely forgotten Evan was there and watching us. I had no idea what Evan was telling him as his voice was to low and hushed for me to hear but whatever it was it was having an effect on Dale. He looked terrified.  Dale’s eyes flicked back to me quickly, and it seemed like seeing me made something change. He began whispering back to Evan, hate gleaming in his eyes. I saw Evans arm twitch and his fist began to clench. The minute he began to raise his arm, I knew I had to do something before he hit Dale.

“Stop!” I shouted… A second too late.

“YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” Dale said with a face full of blood, from the looks of it Evan’s broken his nose.

Before I could even pull the two apart, they’d started a vicious fist fight. I stood there not knowing what to do. Every time I waked over to stop them, one of them would scream for me to stop.

Dales fist were now pounding into Evans face. The both of them were covered in blood. Dale stood up and dragged Evan up with him. Evan looked terrible, he could barley keep his head up. Dale pinned Evan up above the wall, but before Dale could even lay a finger on him, Evan pushed him off hard causing him to fall to the floor.

“I hope you and him are fucking happy together “Evan spat out, well at least that’s what it sounded like considering he had a mouth full of blood.  Evan left, but not before giving Dale a swift kick to the face.

I’d barely taken two steps towards Dale when Jace came around the corner dragging Evan along with him.

“You 3. My office.”  Jace barked at the 3 of us.

Not knowing where Jace’s office was, I trailed behind and let them lead the way.  Jace swung the door open and gestured for us to step inside. He slammed the door shut once I’d stepped in.
Jace’s office was quite spacious; there was a big brown mahogany desk pushed against one wall, which was painted blue, with a grey metal filing cabinet on its left. Each drawer had a label on it, with two letters.  That must be where they keep all the student files.  On the other wall there was a giant notice board filled with various bits of paper, and few dozen ‘Thank You’ cards. The other walls were filled of photographs. I didn’t take much notice to what was on each picture, but I got the idea that there were boys who had come to or attended this god dam awful “school”.  Several, giant blue bean bags filled one corner of the room, with coffee table beside them.

Evan sat back into the beanbags; Dale was sitting on a black chair, which I didn’t even notice was in the room, Jace lent on the front of his desk while I awkwardly lent against the wall by the door.

Jace’s eyes flickered between the three of us. “Explain.”

We stayed silent.

“I won’t ask again. What happened?”

“Evan pushed me to the floor, for no reason at all”

“There was a reason, and you know what it is” Evan retorted.

Dale opened his mouth to speak, but Jace cut in before he could get a word out. “Dale, what where you doing before Evan came along?”

“Kissing Jaydon. “ Dale told him, looking at Evan smugly. I noticed Evan’s hand twitch slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2012 ⏰

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