Chapter 7.

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Vote just because I said, and I love you. <3

*Jaydon’s POV*

“I vant to suck your blood” Dale said jumping out at me wearing a vampire costume. I’ll have to admit he did look good in it. He even dyed his blonde hair black and slicked it back. His makeup looked good as well; the false teeth and the fake blood really made him look like Dracula.

“Oh no! Someone save me from this vampire” I laughed.  “What is it with everyone and Halloween here? Everyone’s dressed up in a costume”

“Vat’s because, the un-dead need to be vorshiped. Voo understand?.” Dale said still using his bad impression of a Transylvanian accent.

“Lose the accent; I don’t understand a word you’re saying” 

Dale laughed and took out his vampire teeth. “Nah, it’s because Halloweens the one holiday, were the likes of us can actually be happy and express ourselves” Dale noticed my confused face so rushed in to explaining a bit more. “I mean like, well okay there’s no way to put this nicely… but almost everyone tried to kill themselves because of family issues or something of the sort, and like when the likes of Christmas or Easter comes around, we’re alone on the day you’re supposed to spend with your family. Halloween and Bonfire Night are pretty much the only holiday which is not family centred so we take full advantage to that.  Plus Halloween is amazing” Dale finished laughing.

Dale began rattling on about how amazing Halloween is but I wasn’t exactly listening to me. I was too busy thinking about what he had just said. It was true; from now on I’m alone. It’s not like I wasn’t before but this time it’s different. No more Christmas or birthday presents from Amy or any of my friends. No more going out to parties with friends. No more good times, laughter, jokes. Anything that was remotely happy in my life gone for good. I’m all alone.

“Jaydon?  What’s wrong Jay?”

When Dale said my old nickname that was it, I let my tears fall. Not caring who looked or what they thought. I fell into Dale’s chest who quickly wrapped his arms tightly around me without saying a word.  I cried into Dale’s chest, with every sob that left my mouth Dale’s grip tightened around me.

I have no one. Okay, I might have Dale and Brandon but I know they won’t be around for ever. I don’t even know why they’ve even stuck around this long. They’re the only two people have given me the time of day in this place. Evan hates my guts even though I can’t recall ever doing anything to cause this hatred.  The day he locked eyes with mine was the day he decided he hates me. Jared doesn’t like me because Evan doesn’t like me, and I can tell I get on Jace’s nerves. Eventually Brandon and Dale are going to see how much of an inconvenience I actually am and leave me like everyone has.

“I’m sorry” Dale said, after I calmed down a bit.

“What for?” I asked looking up at him. He looked like he was about to burst out in to tears as well.

“I made you cry”

I laughed lightly. “No. It’s fine, I was just thinking of what you said…It’s true… I’m all alone”

Dale looked down at me. “That’s not true… You’ve got me. That’s all you need”

I looked up at him and did the thing I never expected myself to do. I kissed him. It was a nice kiss. His lips felt perfect against mine, so soft and tasteful. When we pulled away Dales face broke out into the biggest smile I’ve ever saw him were. His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer towards him. He lent in for another kiss but just as our lips were about to touch again, Evan walked down the corridor. My first thought was to jump away, but I decided not to. Why should I? It’s not my problem if he gets angry again. Dale’s grip tightened around my waist, when he saw Evan. I think Evan saw this as well as he kicked the wall as he walked past. I looked back up at Dale who now had a smirk on his face, before I could even ask what he was smirking at his lips were pressed against mine.  

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 12, 2012 ⏰

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