Chapter 4: The Rebellion and The End

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"Down with these Ottomans! We want our own independence!" said The Hellenic Rebels. (Ottoman Civil War starts.)
"What?! How is this!" said The Ottoman Empire. "Well. We have found some of your powerful stuff." said The Hellenic Rebels. "GIVE THEM BACK!" said The Ottoman Empire. (February 12, 2017) Western Mediterranean Region has been captured. (February 13, 2017) South and North Mediterranean Region has been captured. (February 15, 2017) Central Mediterranean Region has been captured. "Oh! It's only little European rebels!" said The Ottoman Empire. "We are not!" said The Hellenic Rebels. (February 18, 2017) Eastern Mediterranean Region has been captured. "GREECE! We did it!" said The EU. "Let's show these faulty people a lesson!" said Greece. (The EU-Greek-Ottoman War starts.) (February 20, 2917) The city of Kaş has fallen to The EU and Greece. (February 22, 2017) The cities of Kemer and Side Belediyesi has fallen to The EU and Greece.) (March 1, 2017) The cities of Kumluca, Alanya, Anamur, Mut, Silifke, Mersin and Kozan have fallen to The EU and Greece. (March 4, 2017) The last two cities of Adana, and the capital, Antalya have fallen to The EU and Greece. "One day I will be stronge-" said The Ottoman Empire. "We officially did it! We have done it!" said The EU and Greece. (Greece rejoined the EU.)


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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