Act III Scene IV

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"The show must go on!" Mrs. Richard announced, her voice carrying over the entire auditorium. "We know you have been under extreme stress in recent events, but we must continue to focus."

"We're almost done with blocking the entire show," Mr. Montegomery piped in. "I know everyone already knows their music and has it memorized. At least, you should."

There was a general grumble throughout the cast, everyone promising that indeed they did have their music memorized and were ready to go. At the moment everyone was getting anxious to begin rehearsal and then get it over with. The sooner they could get through with everything the sooner they could get away from the threat of the Auditorium Ghost, the Phantom.

"Now, let us begin with our rehearsal!" said Mrs. Richard, clapping her hands together. "We're starting off with the Hysteria scene. Places!"

Everyone scurried off to get into their places, Christine making a beeline for the center of the stage. This was one of Clara's big moments and she had to make sure that she performed it all correctly. With the Phantom's eyes watching over everyone, she couldn't help but feel even more obligated to give it her all.

"Let's make this scene the best that it can be," Mrs. Richard said, reflecting Christine's thoughts right back to her. "I personally think this is the strongest emotional moment for Clara in the entire show.

I know you're not really saying any words, but you still have to pour all of the distress into it as possible. Okay, Christine. How do you physically want to portray Clara as she panics?"

Christine thought for a moment, trying to make sure she could figure the best possible response.. She knew the Light in the Piazza well, and had seen several versions of it. Within a few seconds she had come up with her answer.

"Shaking," she answered. "Mostly hand shaking, that is. I would also add a little bit of rocking back and forth."

Mrs. Richards smiled, while simultaneously Carly's face drooped into an enormous frown. She glanced over towards Ian, trying to get some sympathy for her problem. Unfortunately, this did not work out.

"Well then," Mrs. Richards said. "How about we practice Clara's Interlude and you can demonstrate."

Christine nodded, and everyone else who was in the scene quickly got into their places.

She was still trying to get used to this feeling of being thrust into the spotlight. It wasn't the first time it had happened, of course, but it was still so sudden and frightening due to the Phantom. Now that she knew she hadn't even been given into the role, that the directors had been forced to make her Clara by the ghost that was haunting them all, it only felt worse.

But when it came to performing, Christine just had to push all of that away and hope that she shined bright enough in order to make up for all the pain that had been involved in putting her in this role in the first place.

"We're going to sing through this once before we start staging it," Mr. Montegomery said. "Now, Christine. Just go ahead and do what you've learned."

"Clara's Interlude," she whispered to herself. "Yes. I can do that. I can do it...well." Christine had found herself sometimes talking to herself in certain situations, which she had to admit was rather odd. Several times other people had noticed it, but that hadn't been enough to make her stop.

Mr. Montegomery began to pound down on the piano, playing the music. Christine's heart began to race as if she were running around as Clara would be in the scene, but she tried to prevent that from affecting her or her performance.

Christine just let herself sing. If the Angel of Music had taught her anything, it was the ability to just let go.

"Beautiful, Christine! Absolutely beautiful!" Mrs. Richard said once she was done, applauding Christine along with the rest of the cast and crew in the area. The rest of the cast except for two, that was.

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