Act I Scene VI

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Christine still could hardly believe that she had managed to pull out such a triumph for her role as Cinderella. People still came up to her in the hallways to congratulate her, but none more often than Paul Chandler.

Even though he had been there for only a few days, he had still managed to come up to her half a million times to compliment her. Her Paul, from all of the years past. He was finally coming to Garnier High School with her, and she found that they got along just as well as they always had, if not better. It was incredible, to be honest.

These thoughts were what continued to cycle through Christine's mind as she walked through the hallways with Meg. They carried on conversations endlessly, unable to find a good stopping point. They had classes on opposite sides of the school, but since they were talking to one another they went in the same direction.

"So, how are you and Paul doing?" Meg said, raising her eyebrows.

"You make it sound like we're getting married or something like that," Christine responded with a laugh.

"You're getting married?" Meg joked, but her tone was rather convincing at first.

"No, Meg, we're not getting married," Christine responded with a laugh.

For a second, Meg was quiet. That was very unlike her, which meant that she was racking her brain to find the best response possible. Christine was almost a little afraid of what Meg was going to say next.

"Do you want to get married?" Meg asked. Her voice was just too serious for Christine to take it without bursting into laughter.

Once Christine had calmed herself down, she carried on. "No," she said. "We've only been dating for a few weeks, and there's also the fact that we're sophmores, not even eighteen years old!"

"But if you were older, and had been dating longer, would you?" Meg said. This time her voice didn't drip with forced seriousness. It seemed completely earnest and true.

But now Christine was at a loss for words. She wasn't sure what she should say. Part of her could actually visualize having a life with Paul, living together and raising a family. But another part of her mind tracked away to the Angel of Music.

When Christine didn't reply, Meg just carried on. She would use her words to snap her curly haired friend out of the clouds and back to reality. It had worked all of the many years they had known one another, and this time would be no different.

"So, have you two kissed yet?" Meg said, her voice in a strange sort of whisper. Even though it had that same sort of breathy tone, it was rather loud and forced. Christine was still very amused by just how fascinated Meg was with their relationship, so it was very difficult to take any of it seriously.

"Yes, we have," a voice suddenly said. Soon enough, Paul's arm was hung around Christine's shoulders and he had already planted a quick kiss on her cheek. He had come up on the girls from behind, and Meg immediately let out a little giggle.

Christine flushed slightly as she looked over to Paul. She had managed to make friends with such an incredible boy, and then they had been seperated over the years when they didn't have camp together. But now they were in high school together, and there was nothing to keep them apart. It only helped that they had developed romantic feelings for one another.

But it was still so perplexing to Christine just how perfect he really was. Of course, he did have his flaws as every human being did, but all in all he just felt perfect. That, by itself, was kind of like a flaw. Besides, what would a perfect boy like Paul want with a girl like Christine who preferred to just stay away from attention most of the time?

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