"Yes?" I wait and sure enough the president of the United States steps out.

"This is very important." He says walking toward me. The guy that was talking to me first, places his hand on the presidents chest and whispers in his ear.

"I'll be honest with you. I probably already know what your gonna say. And no. You can't have him. He and his ancestors have been with my family for generations among generations." I say and the president nods.

"How did you approach the female without him attacking you? He should have killed you for getting so close." A females voice asks and I notice it's the same woman from last night at the park.

"Like I said. I'm his caretaker. He respects me if I help and respect him back." I smile and turn back to the president.

"Sir. This could help us win wars and bring our soldiers home." He says and I shake my head.

"No. He is family. I won't be sending my family against their will to war. He isn't a puppet and he has his own family to take care of." I say and turn when bushes rustle. Peter lays in the bushes watching us and some of the presidents guards point their guns.

"Hey hey hey. What are you doing." I say grabbing the barrel of ones gun.

"First you come asking to take him. Now you threaten to shoot him?" I say angry now.

"Relax guys." The president says and looks at me.

"Is there any possible way we could take this somewhere else?" He asks.

"If you only bring three guards. There is basically a community in there. I need to keep my own people safe." I say and turn to Peter.

"Hic." I call out in Latin.

"What did you say?" The guard with a stick up his ass asks.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I say giving him a once over.

"And he's not one of them." I say and Peter rubs up against my back. The president pulls his scarf tighter and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Fine." He says.

"Right. Let's go then. See if you can keep up." I say and toss my keys to the guard. I hop up on Peter and look at them.

"Only three." I say and he nods to a black SUV. He climbs in and rolls his window down. The woman climbs in next to the president and he looks over at her.

"Ready?" I ask and they drive inside the gates. My guards close the gates and I look over at the president.

"Sure?" He says. He doesn't seem so sure.

"Good. Let's go." I say Peter lurches forward.


Me and Peter have been waiting for five minutes for the president and his SUV.

"What do you think is taking them so long?" I ask and turn when Kat slowly walks out of the house. She licks my cheek and slowly lays down on the porch between me and Peter.

"How are you baby?" I ask and kiss her forehead.

I'm fine Black. Just a little sore. She says and lays on her side against my leg. Tires crunch on the gravel and the SUV parks in front of the house.

"What took so long?" I ask standing. I make sure Kat didn't get hurt and step down from the porch. A few people outside look over to the new vehicle and a few kids run to their mothers when the men with guns step out.

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