2 - Salad

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I stayed at the hotel suite the company provided. I ran through all the newspaper, searched online for a place to stay near to the office. I was particularly choosing a place closer to work. The whole day went on by me calling, making appointments and asking for the pictures of the apartment and was pretty tiring for someone like me who is a little shy. 

I am that kind of shy person who is shy just in the beginning but later the devili inside me leashes out after getting comfortable with that person. I saved the numbers and marked the time at which I can see their apartment. The whole week went by crazy. I was pretty sure I was going to stay in this suite for my entire life. There were so many things, that I had to look before choosing the apartment and it was really difficult to get all in one place. Sometimes its the people, the room condition, the surroundings and so many things. I was already mobbed once in this week and not ready for yet another. 

I gave my hopes up and finally subscribed to those who would look the room for me. All I had to do was show up and see if I like it. After searching for about 2 days and crossing all the creepy places, I finally found one that was favorable.

The apartment was pretty big and spacious. The colors of the walls are pretty and weren't shabby as well. It was almost on the top floor and also has a good view. The only problem was I had to share the apartment with Alice. Alice is a blonde girl with blue eyes and close to mid 20s. Her body was built and thin. She interviewed me and asked a couple of questions. Iasked her many more. I wasn't sure if I'd keep up with her because she really didn't leave a good first impression. Whom am I judging? I brushed the first impression thing aside and confirmed the apartment.

Alice explained everything, but I was already zoned out and simple nodded. I was really tired and not ready to go through the lecture now. Alice is a dancer and keeps track of her diet regularly. When I was with Sarah and Leo, I was pretty thin but with Alice, I feel like I weigh at the least 60 pounds extra than normal. 

Alice turned out to be better than what I expected. She is controlling yet caring. Staying with her for a month made me realize, she is the sweetest person, I ever came across. Alice has a boyfriend, Andy. Andy was slightly taller than Alice, probably 5'11 and with smaller spikes on his hair. I have never seen his hair out of place. Perfectly maintained and smooth. Alice's maintenance is very little compared to Andy. I call them the 'A' couple. Andy is like a giant teddy bear. I really wished he was a teddy bear. The 'A' couple just reminded me of Timon and Pumbaa, not in an offensive manner but they are enough for each other. Although they are still in their mid- twenties, they seemed like old retired couples.

I unleashed my wild side a week after moving in. I was really dealing with a lot during my first week in office. The office was cool and was fun since I was new there. Everyone was ready to help. 


"Did you get the groceries?" Al asked as I entered with two heavy bags in my hands.

"No." I replied sarcastically and  placed the bags on the counter. Its been a month since I moved in. I was pretty comfortable with them. Since, I sucked at cooking, I was supposed to get the groceries always. Even if it is a small list. But it also has perks. Alice should cook, no matter what I asked. 

"What do you want for dinner?" Alice was checking the list and . I hate that question like she would never cook what I would ask her too. Thanks to her, I've lost so much weight because she makes me follow her diet as well. I am even afraid to open instagram, because the food posts have either meat or cheese or chocolate and these foods are banned in this apartment.

"As if?" I mocked her and sat on the couch to watch TV. Alice smiled a little and started washing the vegetables. I ran through the programs and turned off the TV when I felt there was nothing.

"Grumpy?" Al questioned still washing the veggies.  I nodded. "Why? Is there a problem?"she brought more veggies and washed them. Great! It's going to be salad for today.

"Are you making salad?" I raised my eyebrow. 

"This is for Andy." Thank god. "Let the poor soul eat." I laughed.

"Oh sure. Then you'll be having it then."

"Andy should really eat that. Its good for his health." I panicked. "What are you making for me, then?"

"I don't know. Help me cook then we can decide."

"Oh please. We have already discussed this. I would go get the groceries while you cook. If I cook, I'll put cheese and chocolate in everything." I teased Alice and she shook her head.  

"BTW Lyn, are you eating chocolates behind my back?" I was shocked. This was something I've been doing since 2 weeks and tried so hard to hide it. I have a sweet tooth. I've craving for chocolates and she never lets me have one. 

"Nooo." I dragged it and shook my head.

"Then how come there are wrappers under your bed?" I didn't have a better place to hide, so I threw them under my bed.

"I don't know. They aren't mine. Probably, Andy must be eating those behind our back." I blamed it on Andy. I mentally slapped myself. She's going to kill me if she would knew that I was eating chocolates. She is just like my mother.

"Happy weekend everybody!" Andy yelled as he walked inside. He brought a beer case and placed it on the counter. I ran to him and grabbed the beer. "Run Andy! Run for your dear life."

"WHAT?" Andy was really surprised when I pushed him outside. Andy was like a big brother to me, always protecting me from Alice. Alice is like mother Mary as long as we follow her healthy dies else she will be bloody Mary to us.

I gulped the drink even when Alice was yelling but I paid no heed to her. I needed the drink. Andy walked back in and tried his magic on Al. She immediately cooled down. 

"You are not having more than one." Al grabbed the case when I reached for another

"Let our poor girl live." Andy said pulling Alice into a hug and kissing her. They are really treating me like their daughter.

"Please grow up. You both sound just like my parents." I requested them and they only smiled at me much to my agony. 

"What are you making for dinner?" Andy asked peeping into the ingredients.



That's the end of Chapter 2.  I know. I really want to know how it feels to have such a roommate that restricts your diet. Well it sucks. You can't be rude as well. But you can go behind her back and have whatever you want.

Do let me know if any one of you had ever had such a roommate or if anyone else follows strict diets. But still have a happy life.

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