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Saria sat in her house, staring up into the moon, lost deep in her own thoughts. She had just been told she was a sage and she hated it. She wanted to stay like the other Kokiri, she wanted to be normal, like the others, but that wasn't going to happen. She was a sage, and she had a job to do. 

A tear ran down her cheek as she stood up, 'Maybe it won't be so bad' she thought,  they had told her that she may feel different emotions now and it made her nervous. What if she became violent, the kokiri never fought, they did have their arguments but there has never been a need for violence. 'But I'm not a kokiri anymore' she thought bitterly. Saria yawned and stretched her arms back into the air, then she climbed into bed, hoping to get some sleep. But it never came. She tossed and turned, trying her best to get comfortable, but every time she was close to sleep, she would jolt awake. She growled and leapt out of bed, stomping around her house, trying not to grab the thing closest to her and hurl it out of the window as hard as she could. Saria took a few deep breaths and calmed down a bit, then she walked out of her house and down the ladder. The warm night breeze was comforting as it flowed through her hair, she turned and started towards the lost woods, trying to think of anything but the Sages. Link came up and she decided to go with that, he had been gone for so long, seven years ago, she remembered waking being so happy for him, she remembered the day he finally got his fairy, It was one of the happiest days of her life, but she grew to despise that day, for that was the day he had left her. She missed him with every fiber in is small body and it broke her heart to know that she might never get to see him again, but she didn't lose hope. 

The Temple of the Forest lay in front of her, she wiped another tear from her cheek and walked up the stone stair case. She had been in here twice that day and she instantly knew something was different. Something was wrong. The air was colder, the atmosphere was hostile. Against her better judgement, she continued forward. She knew she made a big mistake. She heard a cruel laugh behind her and twirled to face the intruder. But it was to late. Something hit her hard in the face, knocing her unconscious.

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