Chapter two.

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Draco's Pov.

An indescribable feeling of horror and shame rushes through my veins as I see what that monster of a muggle has done to him. Something in me feels as if it isn't even all of it, not the full extent of what he has suffered. There is definitely more to that, emotional most likely, if not even worse scars and wounds underneath his clothes that I haven't even noticed. How is it even possible to hurt someone so important so much without any remorse and empathy what so ever? And then there's me, I have been making it so much worse for him with my own tauntings and snide comments, with encouraging others to do so and letting hexes go flying, am I even any better from an unknown muggle, have I done anything any better if all I've done is ruin life and Hogwarts for him even more?

I had no right to do this to him no matter what I was lead to believe, no matter how hurt or upset I had been like a childish little brat incapable of respecting the opinions of those around me. I sit down next to him, wrapping my arms tightly around his sobbing body. He seems to jump in pain, quickly I move my arms away from those spots and hold them more gently, it doesn't seem to hurt anymore, tho it does seem that for a moment he stiffens - fear most likely - but then turns more towards me and hides his tearstreaked face against my shoulder. How could I be so terrible when my whole upbringing goes against such disgrace? Respect others, you can always bribe them and guide them to make decisions supporting your own plans, but respect them. Never insult someone, you never know when it is so important to be in their good graces that it might save your or someone else's life. It has always been important to be polite and respectful even to people you can hardly stand. Hasn't he seen his father lie through his teeth to people enough just to respect them and make them feel more important than they are? They are skills important in business, but as father taught, life isn't only about business and there are always people deserving of the absolute truth. Yet I have broken seemingly all the rules for my pettiness.

Poor Harry. Don't his friends know about this? Can't they see and understand what is going on? Or are they really all that blind and stupid? Can't they actually see the pain in his killing curse green eyes? Or are they just that cruel to write it off like it's nothing? Now that I think about it the agony in his eyes has always been so obviously visible that not even a glamour could fully hide the truth for his eyes can't lie to the extent necessary, not like the rest of him can hide. They must be at least blind as bats then if not utterly stupid.

I keep him close to me. Hold him gently around his shoulders that seem to hurt less than his back. My fingers caress his shoulder, trying to calm him down a bit.  Maybe he can forgive me my crimes so we can become the friends I have wished us to be since I first saw him in the robe shop. And if he doesn't forgive me, I'll spend the rest of the time I know him making up for it in any way I can possibly think of. 

"Where are Weasley and Gran..., I mean Ron and Hermione?"

He visibly jumps as I mention his friends. A tremor goes through his body as if he was burned or touched by something utterly cold. Something is not right. To react like that to the mention of his friends is unrealistic, even if you're Harry Potter. 

"They abandoned me. They think that is my fault that I was locked up in that house."

Some tauntings, insults and serious hexing are urgently required. And that is because I can't get out of trouble with more serious crimes without immediately including my father in the circle of causing trouble for the light side.

I should hex them so hard that they sit in the infirmary for weeks. No, for months or more. That would suit them and their out of this world idiocy. How stupid can they possibly be? Even Longbottom is smarter in potions than these two in this situation.

I just hold Harry close the whole ride to Hogwarts. I know he needs the comfort that no one else seems to have any reserves of. They call themselves the light side and yet they are so cruel to their only "saving grace". So utterly cruel.

As we get nearer to Hogwarts and the skies darken, I wonder out loud: "Would you re-consider accepting my friendship?"

He has been so close to me, I can feel his warm breath on my skin. He nods against my shoulder, the movement ever so slight. While knowing that it is logically the correct choice it is still surprising for me, he has seemingly given his trust over so easily, way too easily. Of course, he can't be all alone the whole year, but with this type of easiness, it seems out of character. Though this is his decision to make and I shall honour it.

I should drag him to uncle Sev or to the infirmary to have those wounds and scars looked over, a lot of them don't look good at all, but I think that our grumpy potions master is more reliable than that woman – she answers to Dumbledore and I will never trust her to keep secrets from him, neither will I ever trust that man or any of his lapdogs.

"Does anyone else know about the abuse you have lived through?"

I know he doesn't want to talk about it, and it is justified, I can't even imagine what he must have been through, it must be worse than cruciatus curse. I must learn about some details so I can help him. Anything to know what to do next, who to trust, who to turn to should it be necessary.

He nods before he replies that he had told both Dumbledore and Mrs Weasley, but they had not believed him and told him that he was the safest in his relative's house, which he obviously is not. They both need their brains and eyes checked, it's clear as day that something is utterly wrong. Unless... Unless they knew beforehand and are putting him there deliberately. I feel like murdering that old crazy headmaster with my bare hands. How dares he do that to my Harry. Wait, wait what? Since when is he MY Harry though. We are barely friends, but he is in no way mine.

Before we reach the station, I help him re-apply the glamour and make sure everything out of the ordinary is hidden from the curious eyes of everyone else. He thanks me silently which I answer with a nod of my own.

I ignore all of my friends when we reach Hogsmeade village. I only lead my new friend to the first empty carriage that could take us to the castle. They will understand. He needs me more right now and everyone else will understand, sooner or later they will. They aren't sheep differently from certain redhead and a know-it-all.

As we reach the castle doors, he asks me to let him talk with Professor McGonagall under four eyes. With a promise to write him notes and keep him from being entirely isolated, I leave him to do so. What that talk is about that I do not know and probably won't find out either. It is his to tell and not mine to ask about.


Edited 29.03.2021

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