"Your mother keeps you on a tight leash?", he asked.

"Don't all mothers?", was Romans reply.

Peter gave a short laugh, he looked like he was giving a lot of thought to his next words, "My mother knows I have a natural aversion to leashes".

What did that mean? Regardless, Roman shook it off. He reached for his shirt, but Peter held it behind his back. He was a playful person, and Roman could not help but smile.

"I'm perfectly fine with driving without my shirt, though I worry for the other drivers", Roman said with a face of mock concern.

"Yea, you worry that the sun will reflect off of your pale skin and into their eyes, causing a twenty car pileup?", Peter answered.

Roman made an exasperated sigh. "No. I'm worried that my beauty will cause them all to stare and cause a fifty care pileup!".

"Well you're going to have to work for this shirt, gypsies like me are known for our kleptomania", Peter said with a shrug.

Another dare? Roman reminded himself of his decision. Do not be fearful. He walked up to Peter, until their chests were touching. He brushed his hand up Peter's arm, across his face, and down to his neck. His skin was tender and warm, so warm. Romans hand rested on Peter's jugular, he knew how easy it would be to slice it, to see the red waves flow from Peter. But those thoughts were quickly pushed from Romans mind. He slowly stroked the veins of Peter's neck, continuing down the collarbone, and then slowly dragging one finger down the front of his shirt. Peter's breaths were heavy, but he kept his eyes trained on Roman. Roman lifted Peter's shirt just slightly, and began to touch the bones of his hips, each touch was as light as a feather. He slowly traced the curve of Peter's stomach towards his back, and then moved his hands over the skin, more of a massage then touching. He laid his head on Peter's shoulder, and softly kissed his neck. A sigh escaped Peter and Roman smiled into the crook of his neck. His hands continued to gently caress the muscles of his back. Roman could sense that Peter was quickly forgetting where he was and what he was doing here, so he seized his chance and grabbed the shirt, and yanked with all of his strength. It slipped through Peter's hold easily, and when Peter realized what had transpired he scowled at Roman.

"You win this time, Godfrey", Peter said as Roman slipped the shirt over his head.

"Oh, don't look so sad, Petey. I think you won, in a way", with that, Roman turned to leave. He picked up his bag and felt Peter standing beside him. They walked in silence through the halls of the school, passing by two janitors who paid them no attention.

Outside, the sun was setting. It was late evening and the sky was varying shades of purple and red. The sun itself sat behind trees, their silhouettes still in the calm evening air. Roman led Peter along the sidewalk and to the parking lot where he kept the Jag. Once there, he slid into the drivers seat, he took a glance at Peter, who was still standing next to the car.

"Are you going to get in?", Roman asked.

"It's just so much nicer up close and personal", Peter said as he opened the door and got in.

Roman swelled with pride at that.

Romans usual trip home was a short one. But Peter lived on the other side of the tracks, in Nicolae's old house, the cricket-y shack that kids around town frequently spread rumors about. Nicolae wasn't known around town as a good or a bad man, just an old man that no one took the time to get to know.

Roman had never been to the house, and he had rarely even been to this side of town, but he knew where he was going, thanks to the occasional nod from Peter. The drive there was mostly back roads, dusty and forgotten. Roman and Peter sat in a calm quiet, with Peter taking control of the radio, and skipping past anything that sounded remotely like a pop ballad. When he did find a song he liked he would listen to it for roughly thirty seconds, skip to the next station, and then go back to the previous song. It was endearing and intolerable all at the same time.

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