Captured '2'

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Nami's Pov

Poor (Y/n) was tired. I decided I was gonna let her sleep in as I had our maid Kana take me shopping in the rain.

I skipped a little ahead, leaving Kana with the umbrella. "Miss Nami slow down!" Before I could, two strong hands pulled me into an alley way, one hand covering my mouth, the other had a knife to my throat.

Kana past by. "Nami where did you go?!" "You're gonna be quiet, or your death will be more than painful." I nodded. He tied me to a chair, next to another woman. '(Y/n)...' " (Y/n) come get me now!" He smacked me and grabbed one of his knives.

Sebastian's Pov

We waited outside the door. No one was getting past us. I started to pet the black cat as Ciel rambled on. I sensed something so I pushed Ciel back and I saw (Y/n) run towards the door. I ran to stop her.

She jumped off my shoulder and kicked the door so hard it flew off its hinges. The sight before me.. Her master tied to a chair with Grell holding a knife to her cheek.

(Y/n) flew at him. A sword materialized out of no where, she swung at him. He dodged. "Y-You have it all wrong! I heard the scream and ran over here, but she was already..." (Y/n)'s eyes were a bright blue like her sword, she swung over and over as he ran.

I cut him off. "I think you can stop playing innocent in that body, Grell. This is the first time I've met someone like you in the human world. You performed the role of 'harmless incompetent butler' quite adeptly."

He stopped and she held her sword to his neck. "Adeptly?" His smile widened, showing his teeth. "Do you think so? That's right. I'm an actress, honey. And I'm absolutely first-rate."

He revealed his true form and used his chainsaw like a bat to smack Y/n. She flew into the other buildings wall, going straight threw it.

"But your not 'Sebastian' either, are you?" "That's the name I received from my young master, so yes, I am.. at the moment."

"My you're the a 'faithful dog' character. Though for a fine looking man like you, that's fabulous too. Well that Sebastian.. No, Sebas-chan.. let me re-introduce myself."

I glanced over and Y/n still hadn't picked herself up. "I am Grell Sutcliff, butler to the Burnettes. I'm sure we two butlers can get along marvelously."

He blew a kiss at me. Such a creep.

"Ah, I finally get to meet you in my true form! I'd never seen a demon playing butler before, so I was surprised when I first saw you!"

(Y/n)'s Pov

I let out a quiet sigh as I lay on my back as the wound closes itself.
Their conversation is so boring I could probably sleep.

"That's my line. I never imagined someone like you could play butler. Someone who stands neutral between man and god... a grim reaper.

"Why would a divine like yourself bother to play butler?" "Good question. Perhaps I should say I fell in love with a certain woman."

"And that woman would be?" An unfamiliar voice came from beside milady. "You don't need to ask, do you?"

Ciel seemed distressed over this. "Madam" "I didn't calculate on anyone being able to see Grell for what he is." "Naturally you were on the initial suspect list. But your alibi was perfect."

"You suspected even your own aunt?"

"If you had the potential to be Jack, any blood relation was irrelevant. None of the humans on the suspect list could have committed all the murders. But if one had an inhuman accomplice, that would change everything. If he could enter the room in an instant without our noticing, he could also instantaneously get from the viscount's to the East End.

"You two are the only two who could be Jack the Ripper, Madam Red and Grell Sutcliff. Jack the Ripper's victims had other things in common. They all underwent a certain surgery at London Central Hospital, where you work.

"The only two patients on the list who hadn't yet been killed was Mary Kelly, who lived in that flat, and Nami Kit. I thought you'd show up here if I kept an eye on the place. I couldn't save her though."

My hand shook as I remembered how milady was forced to do that surgery. I snuck behind the reaper and cut milady free. She hugged me. "Oh (Y/n)..."

"This is unfortunate, my beloved nephew Ciel. If you hadn't figured it out, we could have played chess together again. But.. I won't give up this time!"

The reaper swung a chainsaw at Ciel, but it was caught by Sebastian. They had a heart-to-heart that I tried to drown out by tending to my master.

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