23 | no (Final Chapter)

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In all good stories the girl gets the boy. They have a amazing relationship. They have everything the way they want it. Except, this isn't a happy story, this isn't a happy ending. (Name) sadly will have to fight Levi, sadly she will live. But she won't get the dream life she wanted. She chose this path. She chose to fight him to get out of here, and she did.

Levi waited in the living room. The clock struck 6 pm filling the room with the cooing bird from the grandfather clock. Levi walked to the room with a bag. He dropped it on the floor. "Your clothes for tonight". You grabbed the bag after he left. Inside the bag was black attire. He wanted to make it even since you wanted to play along. Levi sat at the table looking over a map. He had a cup of tea in front of him, sipping ever so slightly. He lifted his head and sighed. "You can go now and get a head start. I'm gonna look over the map, so it's easy to find you." Levi looked back down not paying attention to you.

You grabbed your bag and then dashed to the door. You slowly closed it, watching Levi sitting in silence. Levi lifted his head and smiled. He turned his head and made eye contact with you. The sickly sweet grin sent shivers down your spine. You slammed the door shut. He gave you a warning, don't fuck up. You sighed and walked quickly ran down the street. If Levi is as good as he says about finding you. You had to play it safe. You jogged passing a couple of houses. And then curved into one with a shed. The shed was open you you sat inside. You opened the bag and looked over the items. The bag was filled mostly with weapons and a couple of packets of food. If you place some of the items on the ground he'll follow it. He'll think he's following you when he's not. You placed one of the bottles of water on the floor near a building. You ran for a while until you heard some gears. How does it sound like something similar to grappling hooks?

The flying-like sound echoed through the sky. You turned around and saw Levi. Levi had a weird device hooked to his thighs. He flew through the air catching up to you. The fact that he could flip and find other places to land meant he has done this before. That he knows how to jump around the buildings. Levi came jumping from building to building swinging towards you. Out of fear you ran like it was any difference in the speed he was going. Running from the man who basically cheated his way to you. Levi cheated, he cheated by using other sources of traveling. Behind you, you heard a chuckle. "This is gonna be easy for you isn't it!" You pulled out your knife getting prepared. You had no idea how you would fight him. How to protect yourself. He had more willpower than you, he had more of an advantage. Levi caught up to you. He stood in front of you. "So you're gonna fight me?" You gulped and balanced your weight on your heels. "You cheated." Levi sighed and unbuckled his device.

He dropped it on the floor in front of you. "Now you know how it is... to get cheated on but someone you love." You sneered and placed the knife in front of your face, protecting it. "I don't love you." Levi smiled and leaned forward a little. "That's why I'm here... to change your precious like brain." Levi kicked your leg flipping you over and onto the floor. "Isn't this nice. Husband and wife fighting." Levi kicked your side. "A classic old fight." Your side ached from the kick. He pulled his leg back to kick again. As he did so you grabbed the knife and stuck it in his foot. Levi yelled in pain. You turned around and ran. From behind you, you heard Levi cursing as he pulled it out. "You fucking bitch!" You didn't take a chance of stopping, you kept running. Levi slowly caught up. He limped the entire way. With his injured foot dragging behind leaving a trail of blood he came closer and closer.

With all the strength you had left you rounded the corner. If you run at a zigzagged pace he'll lose you. You rounded more corners and ducked under a crumbled building. You heard no gears, no sound. Levi must have stopped to cover his wound. He can't be too far behind. You scooted close to the back of the building and hid in a dark corner. Levi stopped limping. She smiled and sighed. Levi pulled out his phone. "Hanji, she believed me... yes... yes... I'm gonna tell you... find her... thank you..."
Levi grabbed his gear from the floor. "Also your device worked perfectly... no... no I want it for my own personal use..." Levi ended the call. He walked back to the house. Grinning grimly.

Drown (Levi Ackerman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now