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Levi POV

*2 weeks later*

The rambunctious alarm clock echoed around the room, bouncing the horrific siren in the small area. The alarm signaled the official ending of Levi's "vacation". Levi had grown accustom to the late mornings and insomniac nights during the 2 week. The past few nights Levi would lay in bed thinking about (name) or about going back to work. Erwin insured him to go back due to the amount of paperwork done by the floor assistant Petra Ral the passed 2 weeks. Levi laid in the bed rubbing the cold crisp sheets. Levi spent the last 5 nights sleeping alone.

Erwin's dog Bean would come in and lay next to him. Levi would shoo the creature away but he didn't care now. After Erwin found out Bean slept next to Levi he removed Bean from the room and place him in the bathroom at night. Levi hasn't slept alone since the 4th date with (name). He wiped his face and walked to the bathroom. After he finished he showered slowly. He thought about the upcoming day he would have ahead of him. The work schedule today was a meeting with the new interns.

Every year in the spring time the company would hire graduates straight out of college to fulfill a spot in the company. Petra Ral was the 3rd in her class yet she met everyone's standards but Levi's. Petra oftened flirted with the floor businessmen, but never with Levi. She tried to flirt with him once and Levi spilt coffee all over the floor in the rigid carpet and ordered just her to clean it up.

Levi stopped the alarm clock. He contemplated on the suit and tie he would wear when he returned to the office. Levi rubbed his temples then left his bed. He fixed the sheets and ate a small breakfast. He still had a hour before work left. Levi stretched his legs while sitting on the couch. He had been living with Erwin for about 2 weeks and 1 days since the break up. Erwin was gathering papers in the next room talking amongst himself. Statistics showed the Titan company was growing in size over ranking the Survey Company. The old head CEO died unexpectly making his daughter, Annie Leonheart the new Head CEO. Erwin was the CEO for the survey branch, he needed good numbers to keep the position he was in, or Levi would fullfil it.

Levi left the apartment and began his journey to work. The silence in the car made Levi stomach churned. He turned the knob right increasing the volume, classical music played from the night he broke up with (Name). how was she feeling right now. Did she miss him, like he missed her?

(Name) POV

Eren was in the bathroom rushing to get ready. He had a internship spot available for him in the Titan Company and in the Survey Corps company. He wanted the Survey Corps but (Name) insisted on him to join the Titans in fear he would sprawl with Levi. Eren had long forgotten what Levi looked like, but (name) was certain Levi didn't forget Eren. Eren planted a kiss on (Name) cheek and walked away leaving (name) alone for the day. (Name) found a job working from her home computer. After the breakup (name) stayed indoors. (Name) worked on her school stuff at home and sometimes showed up to class. She stopped visiting the stores Levi and her would shop at. Eren treated her right sometimes, she loved his comfort and the way he expressed his feelings to her. The random flower delivery, the occasional dinner dates.

Of course Eren would never be Levi, Because Levi didn't hit her.

(Name) would lay in bed late at night thinking about Levi and her, with their memories that plagued her memories. (Name) held her phone in hand. She wanted to dial the number. The number that would connect her and Levi once again. (Name) felt her hand and arm shake. She wanted to see him, she will see him.

She just doesn't know it yet

Eren POV

The elevator was crowded with new interns waiting to get the job. The doors opened exposing the Survey Corps company workers. People were assorted into catergories and given a tour around the building. Eren was pulled aside by the competing head CEO, Annie Leonhart. Her blonde hair covered by a wig hiding her identity. "Eren Mrs. Leonhart from Titan Incorp would like a word with you." Eren tilted his head. "I'm here for the Survey Corps Intern Program already." The wigged headed women smiled. "All the more reason to come along." She whipped around making contact with Erens shoulder occasionally.  She escorted him the her office. When they reached the Titan buildings highest floor he didn't question her as she pulled the wig off.

"Mr.Jeager, do you know why you're in here." Eren gulped. "Yes, no. I don't know Mrs. Leonhart." She clasped her hands together and eyed Eren. "I investigate everyone who comes in through those doors. I saw your profile, you stole a couple documents in the past?" Eren felt his heart drop. In the past Eren stole documents to pass a test. He didn't get caught, only Jean caught him. Jean filed a report but it was never investigated. "Yes ma'am I did. I understand this terminates my position here?" Annie smirked. She pulled out a file from under her desk and placed it in from of Eren. "No, in this file reads something I want you to do. I want you to spy on the Survey Corps for the Titan company. Can you do it?"

Levi POV

The dust in the room collected on every surface of Levis office. He felt disgusted that Petra didn't keep everything in check. Levi dropped his suitcase on the floor. He marched to the janitor closet and pulled out a duster, cleaning wipes and his respitory mask. Levi started to clean the office, he wiped every corner, every crevasse clean. A knock came from the other side of the door.

Levi spoked to the mystery person on the outside. "State your name and business." A muffled women came from the other side. "Petra Ral, informing you about the intern meeting in 5 minutes." Levi rubbed the bridge of his nose. Of course. Levi packed up the cleaning products and walked back to the closet. He removed his cloth and mask throwing it in the waste basket. Levi stepped into the conference room standing next to Erwin. He eye balled the crowd and saw a teal eyed boy smiling right at him.  Levi felt his hands ball up, he sneered under his breath.


a/n hope y'all liked it. I think I'll update this on Thursday. Idk I made a posting schedule only 1 update a week. Did you like it?

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