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Graphic depictions of Violence ahead. Read with caution.

(Name) sat in Mikasa's car next to Armin. Jean was driving while Mikasa was looking over her collection of maps. Mikasa left her phone at home along with the other devices that were tucked away. Mikasa used it the old way without GPS and with a map. She scanned every street looking for an alternate route to the house. Mikasa knew Levi very well. She knew he wouldn't stop looking for (name). In the past, Levi had done this before, he tracked Another girl down, and never talked about it again, or her. Mikasa didn't know what happened to her, she was in the news for a while, but all of a sudden, she wasn't. Her name was Mina, she was Levi's assistant. (Name) sat in the back seat sniffling quietly. She was shaken from the Levi she never knew. Jean turned the radio on and played the song on the radio.

*play sad song*

(Name) reached over to Armin's side and laid her head down. "Is this okay?" Armin smiled weakly. "Of course (name)." Armin continued to look out the window as the day got darker, the sun slipping down into the horizon. (Name) watched as Jean and Mikasa shared a weak smile together. Jean had always liked Mikasa, but Mikasa loved Eren. After Eren passed Mikasa was so broken she would take anyone to make her better. Jean took this opportunity and tried to fix her. Mikasa didn't share any similar tastes with him, only that she and he are a couple now. (Name) closer her eyes and listened to the song.


Levi arrived back at Mikasa's house. Mikasa's car was gone, Jeans still parked in the front. Levi parked across the street and walked up to the door. The door was unlocked from the incident earlier. He emerged from the outdoors into the house. Nothing inside of the house was any different. No one was home, the house was empty and quiet. Levi felt his hands clench. He walked to the back room and rummaged through the boxes that held Erens clothes and items. Levi found what he was looking for, the address to the old house.


Armin patted your shoulder. "(Name) we are here." A whiff of old books and a dirt-like smell waved over your nose. It was dark outside, the only light was coming from the car. You lifted your head and looked out the window. It was a quiet neighborhood with only Mikasa and jean standing in front of an older house. The streets are barren of cars and anything living. Mikasa walked up to the door and unlocked it. Jean grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "You can do this Mika." Mikasa inhaled deeply and stepped in. Armin sighed and whispered in your direction. "This was Erens old house. They evacuated the town due to a gas leak... It's been abandoned for years..." You moved your head to the house, not once did Eren mention he lived in this district, the district that died before its time. Armin and you left the car and walked up to the house. Mikasa prepared a place for the four of you to sleep. Jean promised to stay up all night in case Levi decide to do anything funny. Mikasa prepared a quick meal of sandwiches and tea for dinner. She was set on Levi could smell food better than anyone can, or he could see the smoke and find their location. Mikasa kissed Jean's cheek and forced everyone to bed, except for Jean. Jean took Mikasa's knife and keys and headed downstairs to watch the house.


Levi parked outside the district. He wore only black, carrying a set of knives and tear gas in his back pockets. In the front pocket, he held a small bottle of chloroform and a rag. Levi walked slowly through the empty city in the shadows. If (name) really was trying to get away from him, Levi would need to fix her. He made it to the street when he saw Jean walking to the back. Levi crept closer to the house. He jiggled the front door handle finding that it was locked. Levi crept towards the back. There, Jean sat sharpening his knife. Levi crept closer. He slowly pulled a knife from his back pocket. Jean turned around, while Levi injected the knife into his lower abdomen. He held Jean's mouth close as he twisted the knife making Jean whimper in pain. "Shhh, we don't want to scare the ladies don't we." Jean's eyes widened with pain as his world started to slow down. Levi pulled the knife out slowly. Blood gushed out from the wound. Levi let Jean fall, faced down into the grass. Jean let out a weak cough as blood dropped out. "Don-do-don't-t-t-to-ouch h-h-er." Levi turned around, placing his foot on Jean's head. "I will, I'll make them scream in agony because you couldn't save them." Levi stomped onto Jean's head, causing Jean to cough one last time. Levi took the key from him and unlocked the back. Levi dragged Jean into the house leaving a trail of blood. He laid Jean in the center of the room.


Jean hadn't been back for 30 minutes. He promised me he'll come in every 10 minutes. Mikasa rolled over again. The moonlight seeped into the room illuminating the two sleeping figures. If Mikasa knew Eren was cheating, she would have stopped him. She would have given him what he wanted. She wouldn't have to lie to Jean every time she said I love you. Jean is the only one left in her life. She needed to be the one to protect him before she was too late.

Mikasa sighed and left her sleeping bag. She crept down the stairs. Slowly trying not to wake the others. "Jean? Are you down here?" No answer. Jean said he'd be back. Mikasa checked all the windows to make sure they were locked. Jean had the key, if he was smart he'd Lock the door. Mikasa he'd a board creak behind her. Before she could turn around a rag was held to her mouth. "Shhh... I'll take care of her now." Mikasa felt herself drifting off to sleep. Her knees weakened as she was laid on the floor. The last thing she saw was Jean's face, motionless, bloodied from the mouth. A single tear fell from her eyes as she lay there sound asleep. Levi stepped over to her resting body and stabbed Mikasa multiple times around the stomach and chest, he cleaned the knife of fingerprints and tucked it into Jean's arm. If he played this right it won't look like a murderer, but a murder-suicide.


The door creaked open, and Armin could tell someone was coming in from the light. He dared not to move. The footsteps neared his body as the figure came closer. Armin turned over to see Mikasa or Jean, he saw Levi. Before he could warn (name) Levi covered his mouth and stabbed Armin with the same blade Jean was sharpening. Armin let out a scream of pain. Levi stabbed him continuously when he heard a shriek from behind him. (Name) was scooting to the corner of the room. Levi pushed a lifeless Armin to the ground. "You see what happens when good girls are bad. We could have avoided all of this (name)." (Name) threw her blanket, her pillow everything within reach at Levi. Levi neared her face. "You look so pretty like this, so pretty when you've lost the game." Levi leaned into her for a kiss. (Name) pushed Levi away from her and ran. Levi lost his footing and fell backward into Mikasa's sleeping bag. (Name) raced to the hallways screaming as she ran down the stairs. Levi caught up to her and placed the rag soaked in chloroform. "Sh Sh sh shhhh we can be together now babe, like we've always wanted." Levi carried her limp body back to the car. He started to his house where all dreams end.


Tears streamed down her face as she laughed at Levi's horrid plan. "Chloroform Levi really? What's this a murder-suicide?." She stepped into the house and tip-toed over the bodies. "Ahh, I love new experiments!" Hanji pulled out her gloves. "Let's get started shall we!" She picked up Jean's head. "Hello, Horseface."

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