Sportacus - A Beginning

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     The cutting started when he was 15. Thin, white scars up and down his forearms. He cried over it almost every night for two years. Then, the cutting stopped, but Sportacus still checked every night, even long after the scars faded. When he was 21, two new scars formed. That in itself wasn't strange, he had been getting small pricks from sewing needles and such along his fingertips for years, but these were different. Two large gashes across his chest. If they ween't so surgical, Sportacus would have assumed they were from a very bad fight. The small cuts and punctures became more frequent over the years, but the cutting didn't start again until he was 32. Two years later, the cutting still hadn't stopped.

     Sportacus had never really tried to actively seek out his soulmate. He had always figured that they would eventually just find each other, no rush. However, with the ever-growing cluster of scars hidden beneath his arm braces, he had begun to consider the possibility of his soulmate's suicide. He didn't even know who it was, but he just wanted to take all their pain away. He wanted them to be okay. Suddenly, Sportacus jumped up from where he had been sitting and thinking with a small gasp. "I've got mail!"

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