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Cacomania - The obsession of ugliness

Cainomania - The obsession of newness, novelty, and change 

Cainotomania - The obsession of newness, novelty, and change 

Caligynemania - The obsession of beautiful women

Canceromania - The obsession of cancer 

Carcinomania - The obsession of cancer 

Cardiomania - The obsession of the heart 

Carnomania - The obsession of meat

Catagelomania - The obsession of being ridiculed

Catapedomania - The obsession of jumping

Cathisomania - The obsession of sitting

Catoptromania - The obsession of mirrors

Cenomania - The obsession of empty spaces

Centomania - The obsession of new things or ideas

Ceraunomania - The obsession of thunder and lightning

Chaetomania - The obsession of hair

Cheimatomania - The obsession of the cold or cold things

Chemomania - The obsession of chemicals

Cheromania - The obsession of gaiety

Chionomania - The obsession of snow

Chiraptomania - The obsession of being touched

Chiromania - The obsession of hands

Choleromania - The obsession of anger or cholera

Choromania - The obsession of dancing

Chromatomania - The obsession of colors

Chrometomania - The obsession of money

Chronomentromania - The obsession of clocks

Chronomania - The obsession of time

Cibomania - The obsession of food

Claustromania - The obsession of confinement

Cleptomania - The obsession of stealing 

Cleithromania - The obsession of being enclosed 

Clinomania - The obsession of going to bed

Clithromania - The obsession of being enclosed

Cnidomania - The obsession of stings

Coimetromania - The obsession of cemeteries

Coitomania - The obsession of sex or sexual relations

Cometomania - The obsession of comets

Contreltomania - The obsession of sexual abuse

Coprastasomania - The obsession of constipation

Copromania - The obsession of feces

Coulromania - The obsession of clowns

Countermania - The obsession of fearful situations

Cremnomania - The obsession of cliffs and precipices

Cryomania - The obsession of extreme cold, ice or frost

Crystallomania - The obsession of crystals or glass

Cybermania - The obsession of the Internet

Cyclomania - The obsession of cycles or bicycles

Cymomania - The obsession of waves or waviness

Cynomania - The obsession of dogs or rabies

Cyprianomania - The obsession of prostitutes or venereal disease

Cypridomania - The obsession of venereal disease

Cyprinomania - The obsession of prostitutes

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