The Hangover

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I woke up slowly, groaning a little and arching into the warm body behind me. I felt a soft hand resting on my hip and another in my hair. I cracked open my eyes and regretted it soon after. I closed them and pulled up the blanket to cover my face. I sighed and slowly recalled why I had this splitting headache. I think the 4 bottles of wine would be the culprit here. I sighed again and nuzzled my back further into this comfortable heat source. I then realized that this heat source was another human being, a female human being. Those things pressing in my back are unmistakably breasts. I slowly turned around and cracked open an eye to see Emma lying there, staring at me.

"Good morning gorgeous." She cracked a smile. I blushed deeply and sat up straight.
"Shit..." I grabbed my head and curled up, instantly regretting moving at all.
"Hey, easy..." Her voice sounded from behind me. I felt the bed dip a few times before the weight was removed entirely. I heard her footsteps, soft patting on the carpet. I heard them go off into the distance before returning.
"Here. You need to hydrate." I looked up and saw a bottle and a few pills offered to me. I took them gratefully, throwing the pills back and flushing them down with the water. I felt the dipping on the bed again and a hand softly rubbing my very naked back. I blushed deeply and turned to look at her.
"We didn't... you know..."
"What? Have sex? No, I'm sure I'd remember that." She grinned widely. I groaned a little and looked away while covering my body more.

"That kiss though..." She started and I looked at her with wide eyes.
"Kiss?! What kiss? I thought we didn't do anything..." I panicked and she started laughing but soon enough that died down and she cringed visibly.
"This joke would have been funny if it didn't hurt." She groaned and smiled. "Nothing happened. We cuddled up and fell asleep, that's it." Her hand slid up my back and she gently rubbed it in circles. I sighed in relief and let my head fall into my hands, chuckling softly. "Would you have hated it if something happened?" I heard her a moment later. I looked up at her and shrugged a little.
"I-" I sighed and took a breath. "I don't know..." I said honestly and bit my lip. I looked at the woman and inspected her features. Would I have hated it? She's definitely more sincere and caring than Robin ever was... I slowly sipped my bottle, but never removed my eyes from her face. I could tell she was observing me, watching her. I capped the bottle and put it down slowly.

A few silent moments passed. I just watched her carefully, admired every wave and curl in her hair, inspected every freckle on her face and body. I leaned closer, my fingers lightly brushing hers, slowly lacing together as I leaned in further, carefully capturing her lips between my own. They were soft... They were oh so soft and delicious. I pressed my lips to hers a little firmer and felt her moving a little closer. She slowly slid her free hand up the arm I was leaning on and over my shoulder, into the long tresses of my hair.

We moved slow at first, but then I got more greedy, wanting to taste more, to feel more and to have more of these intoxicating lips. I moved around a little, my lips never leaving hers until I was straddling her thighs. She wrapped her arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around her neck. Eventually she tipped us over and made us fall, me bouncing on my back on the bed with her on top of me. I giggled softly and gasped as the kiss broke. I looked at the woman on top of me and blushed deeply.

"No..." I whispered softly.
"No... what?" She asked and bit her lip nervously.
"I don't think I'd hate it." I smiled and slid my hand into the long blonde hair. "I will say though that my headache doesn't like it very much." I chuckled and closed my eyes. The woman on top of me gently kissed my eyelids.
"How about I order some room service. I don't know about you but I'm starving..." She groaned and got up.
"We ate an entire table top full of delicious food last night." I chuckled.
"That was last night, it's noon now... I want lunch." She complained and I laughed.
"Fine... fine..." I sighed and crawled over to her as she sat on the edge of the bed. I looked at the clock seeing it was actually way past noon. "Jesus." I groaned and rubbed my eyes.
"I don't have a beard." I heard and I snorted.
"Thank god you don't, otherwise that kiss just now would have been painful and awkward." I wrapped myself around her body and rested my chin on her shoulder. "I can know. Robin... My ex. He has a beard, but I no longer have to put up with it." I chuckled.

"What about we just order some cheeseburgers?" The woman turned to look at me and I shrugged.
"Sure... Why not."

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