"I KNOW!" She screams, "I'M HOLDING HIM!"

"Calm down," I tell her.

"Have you guys shagged?"

My face turns bright red and Luke's smirk grows bigger. "N-n-no! He's my stepbrother, Sabrina!"

"So?" She asks, "You guys aren't technically related. Besides, I can feel the tension between you both."

A change of subject is in order. "Sabrina, I think you should let Luke go. He's starting at our highschool today and he needs to get ready," I raise my eyebrow at his bare chest.

Luke had to leave all his friends behind and move here with his mom to stay with my dad and I. I know it must be frustrating for him.

"As much as it pains me to say this, I agree with Caroline," Luke says.


"What on earth is hejolafuska?" I hear Luke mutter.

"Sabrina likes making up words," I explain under my breath. He nods and turns to Sabrina, "Excuse me."

He pulls away from her grasp and exists the room. Sabrina starts fanning herself immediately, "Oh my bejeebees, he's so strong. I was gripping him so tight but he just pulled out of my grip and left oh-"

"Shut up," I interrupt.

She glares at me but swings her backpack over her shoulder. "Fine, lets go."

"I'm surprised you didn't beg me to let you wait for Luke."

Her eyes widens at my suggestion, "CAN I?"

"No," I say curtly.

Sabrina laughs and smacks my arm, "I'm kidding. I can see that you like him, so he's all yours."

"Ew, he's my stepbrother!"

She winks at me, "Step. He isn't your real brother."

"And unfortunately, your insanity is real."

"Hey I wasn't the one who saw ghost teddy bears!"

"Sabrina," I warn. I knew that telling her was a bad idea.

"I still can't believe that you think the teddy bear moved by itself. Are you sure you aren't mental?"

I love her and all, but I sure do have a stupid bint as a best friend. I smack her head not at all playfully, "Shut up."

She seems to detect the hurt in my voice, because she looks at me and frowns, "Oh I'm sorry, Care. I was being stupid."

I can't stay mad at her long, so I smile at her. She's forgiven, for the time being.

School is hell.

Sabrina and I usually just hide from everybody, and I mean everybody. We stick to ourselves and no one else, but today is a different story. Ever since Luke entered the school building, girls have been fawning over him. It's not that I blame them, it's that he chooses to follow Sabrina and I around.

Most of them got jealous when Luke started following us, but they calmed down when they realized that I am his stepsister and that he really isn't into Sabrina. Still, we are constantly bombarded by fangirls.

When the final bell rings, I sigh in sweet relief. Sabrina and I run out of class as fast as our legs will allow, ignoring the protests of several teachers. We want to leave Luke and his fangirls behind.

We don't stop running until we figure that we are far enough from the school. I high five Sabrina with a big smile on my face, panting heavily. "We did it!"

She laughs and hugs her backpack, "You should have seen your face while you were running. You looked so scared."

I hit her arm as we walk down the street to my house. The afternoon sun is warm on our backs and a welcoming breeze cools us down from our running earlier.

"Your new house is really pretty," Sabrina comments as we reach it, "Its also really cute."

"You think everything is cute and pretty," I roll my eyes as we cross the freshly mowed lawn and step onto the spotless front porch.

She shrugs and rings the doorbell. Mary Elizabeth is the one who opens it and smiles warmly at us, "Hi, girls."

I brush by her rudely and walk in as Sabrina proceeds to tell Mary Elizabeth about everything that happened in school today. I roll my eyes. It's typical of Sabrina to assume the best out of everybody.

I race up to my room, dying to get out of my sweaty clothes. When I enter my room, I feel an unfamiliar chill go up my spine. I scan my room with my eyes, looking for the dreaded teddy bear, but I find nothing. My room looks perfectly fine.

I slowly walk towards my closet and put my hand on the green glass handle. Another chill goes up my spine and I quickly look around my room again.

With shaking hands, I pull open my closet door, then let out a sigh. Everything looks perfectly fine.

That is until I look down and find the teddy bear staring up at me, a wide smile drawn with my lipstick on its face and a dark red x over where its heart would be if its alive.


I finally updated! Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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