"You already had your chance baby." He said, his voice threatening.

 He pulled me small room that Luke was in. Luke looked up and took in the situation.

 Hi eyes widened with tears and he struggled to free himself from the ropes.

 "No!" He screamed. "You filthy bastard!"

I cried and tried to break free from his grasp, but he didn't let me go.

 "So nice of you to watch us Hemmings. Your girl here, struggled to listen to my instructions. So here we are." He smirked.

 A large man walked over and stood next to Luke.

 "Now listen bitch, every time you don't obey me, Luke here gets one of these." He gestured to Luke as the man started to smack  him.

 I screamed for them to stop, but the punches and kicks kept coming.

 I fell to the ground, sobbing and they finally stopped.

 "See sweetheart? This is what happens when you mess with the wrong people." He smiled.

 I looked at Luke's limp figure sitting in the chair. He slowly picked his head up off of his knees and looked at me.  His eyes pleaded for me to stop, but I shook my head.

 "Oh and one more thing.." Jeff said.

 He opened the closet door to reveal Jillian and Allison.

 Frightened looks painted their faces as Jeff threw both of them to the ground and started beating them.

 He kicked them and punched them and dug his nails so far into their skin that they started bleeding. I screamed for him to stop.

 I ran over and tried to pull him off of them, but his fist met my face and I fell back to the floor.

 Luke's yells were heard over the screams of the two girls who had tried to save me.

 I picked myself up off he floor and walked over to Jeff again. He stood up and huffed.

 "and this I what happens when you try to make allies." He snarled and pulled me to him.

 "Now let me get what I came here for." He breathed and started to roughly lift up the thin fabric from my thigh.

 My sobs were uncontrollable at that point.

 His hands ran up my stomach and across my chest to meet my face.

  Suddenly, his face turned pale.

 His body went limp as he fell backwards to the ground.

 Jillian stood behind him. A knife was lodged into his back and blood wetted the floor. She stabbed him.

 I cried and ran over to her and pulled her into a tight hug, making us both groan in pain.  "Thank you so much!" I cried.  Allison joined our little hug and I suddenly remember the boy that was tied up in a chair.

 I broke apart from the embrace and grabbed the knife to cut him free.

 My fingers stumbled, but I eventually cut the ropes enough so he could escape.  I dropped the knife and his arms tightly wrapped around me.

 I pulled my head into his chest and sobbed.

 "I'm so sorry babe." He repeated over and over.

 I pulled away and smiled at him.

 "You don't have to be sorry for anything." I whispered and he wiped the falling tears that had escaped my eyes.

 I turned around and looked over to Allison and Jillian.  "Do you guys have anywhere to go?" I asked and they exchanged a glance.

 "No..." Allison whispered.

 "Well you can come and stay with us as long as you want." Luke spoke and I smiled up at him.

 "No.. we couldn't do that and-" Allison spoke, but I cut in.

 "You just saved my life... hell yeah you can." I said and we all laughed.


 I laid down in bed next to Luke.

 Allison and Jillian took the second bed.

 They were already asleep.

 I looked at Luke and smiled.

 He wrapped his arms around me and for the first time in ages, I drifted off to a happy sleep.

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