Chapter 1 (the Dudin ship)

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5 months B.T (Before Trump)

So peaceful. It was a cold, winter morning in Moscow. The cold wind was making howling noises outside. It felt lonely. Picking up a cup of tea, he sat down. The TV was on. The fireplace was emitting a shimmery light and some nice warmth. He skipped through the channels looking for something interesting. Some TV series was on. Nothing special. The commercials were almost on every channel. Boring. The news came on. Finally some information. There was something about the USA presidental elections. But something different came on. He tensed in his chair a little. Vladimir looked at the TV with starry eyes. His ultimate crush.... the man of his dreams.... Andrzej Duda. The president of Poland. A very handsome and intelligent man. He had a speech about the American soldiers coming to his country. Putin blushed slightly. He knew that it was love since he first saw his gorgeous face. But why did he like him so much? Was it the looks? The charisma? His knowledge? had to be......his sweet ass. The perfectly round buttcheeks. The way he moves his hips when he walks. That was the reason. The problem was that he never met him in person. Putin always has been planning to see him but it never worked out. Maybe....Duda didn't exactly like him? What if he didn't want to meet him....never ever. No. That can't be possible. Vladimir believed that Andrzej is meant for him. They would be the perfect couple. He began daydreaming. He wanted to ask him out so much. Maybe on a romantic date around Moscow. These were only dreams.

Until one day.

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