2|Know me?

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Zachary) do you think I'd be attractive to gay guys?

Me) good afternoon to you too Zachary.

Zachary) don't you mean good morning. But no seriously.

Me) why do you ask?

Zachary) well I was watching teen wolf...

Me) let me guess, stiles asking if he was attractive to gay guys made you wonder?

Zachary) marry me.

Me) that's a little forward Zachary.

Zachary) you know you can just call me Zach right?

Me) I know. I just like Zachary more. Also I haven't seen you so I can't tell you how attractive you would be to gay guys.

Zachary) I would send you a picture of me to you but "you could be a rapist"

Me) are you mocking me?

Zachary) yup. That I am Charlester.

Me) never call me that again.

Zachary) how about Lottie?

Me) nope.

Zachary) Charlie then?

Me) okay whatever, just because I hate the other options.

Zachary) sooooooo
Zachary) what do you want to know so you can stop calling me a rapist?

Me) how old are you?

Zachary) eighteen as of February. You?

Me) 16. 17 in April.

Zachary) cute.

Me) are you a douche bag?

Zachary) I think you can be the judge of that. I don't think you're the type of person to deal with douche bags.

Me) no, I'm not.

Zachary) next question

Me) what time is it where you are?

Zachary) that could be taken many ways.

Me) shut up and answer the question Zachary :p

Zachary) nine in the morning. You?

Me) ten at night.

Zachary) in general I live in Australia. You live somewhere else I'm assuming.

Me) Ireland

Zachary) cool! I wish I could call you just so I could listen to your accent.

Me) Zachary don't you dare

Incoming call
Your call has been rejected

Zachary) You rejected my call!

Me) I'm trying to work!

Zachary) what kind of job makes you work at ten pm?

Me) I'm a nurse. I only just got hired so if you keep trying to call they might fire me.

Zachary) they won't fire you.

Me) what job do you obviously not have Zachary

Zachary) You doubt me ma'am!  I'm actually a life guard. I know CPR! I am fully qualified.

Me) fully qualified to make sure only the ugly chicks drown?

Zachary) you do not want to know how many ugly ones I've saved. But there have been some hot ones.

Me) I don't think tongue would work well to help their breathing.

Zachary) it is a pity.

Me) so you're single then?

Zachary) interested are you? ;)

Me) no, I figured by your dirt filled personality.

Zachary) I'm offended.

Me) no you're not.

Zachary) true. Also yes I'm single. You?

Me) yup. Surprised?

Zachary) not really. I'd run from your attitude too.

Me) good bye Zachary.

Zachary) no!
Zachary) please talk to me

Double update. Yay :D

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