Im Concieted Soz

198 22 8


So for any OG stans remember how I would like

Maybe show my face once in Le book

And like talk about something that happened to me like maybe a couple times


It's the 4th book now

I'm pretty chill you guys now

And I have posted 9 NOW 10 photos of myself

And have talked about myself a crap ton

Like ze heck Karaina this is a 5sos book not a Karaina book wyd

Anyway I'm sorry if I seem conceited or annoying or whatever

I'm normally not like this

Like reading back it seemed like I was fishing for compliments

I swear I'm not trying too I just like my face sometimes

Also I got a new dress but it's a hand me down and was covered in cat hair and I sneezed a lot BUT ITS CUTE

Also Karaina has a body woah edgy she isn't just a head

Seee I'm conceited

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