"I mean what the hell is your problem, Harry?!" I heard Louis shout.

"I was going to wake you guys up.." Harry only replied softly.

"Couldn't you have simply knocked on the fucking door?!"

"Well, I didn't-" Harry began, but was cut off by Louis.

"And after everything you even fucking stared at her?! What kind of a shit person does that?! Especially if I was right next to her! You-"

"Louis!" I shouted as I walked down the stairs. All eyes went on me, well, all except Harry's. "Calm down. I can hear you all the way upstairs."

"I'm sorry." He mumbled and walked over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into a hug. "You can all look away now." He raised his voice so the others would hear.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled to everyone. The girls all looked pretty worn out. The boys seemed to be doing fine with such little sleep. I sighed and rested my hands on Louis' arms before leading him into the kitchen. "You're going to make me tea and then go apologize to Harry."

"Yeah?" He asked with a smirk and grabbed out the kettle, "And how are you so sure?"

"Because you owe me." I replied in a cocky tone.

"For what? What do I owe you for?"

"Last night. What did you say when I told you that you couldn't be rough because we had people over?" I smirked.

"I said 'bite on a pillow.'" He shrugged and began preparing my tea.

"To which I said, 'You owe me.' and what did you say after that?" I asked and leaned on the island before mocking his voice "I'll do whatever you want all day tomorrow, babe. Just be quiet."

"Yeah, well...." He furrowed his eyebrows deep in thought "You're a butthead." He frowned and handed me my tea.

"I love you too." I smirked and took the tea, taking a small sip before pointing to the door, "Go on."

"El!" he whined.

I shook my head and motioned for him to leave.

He let out small whines before exiting the kitchen.

I took small sips from my tea and closed my eyes. I heard Louis apologize and then I heard them all begin to start talking. They talked about what they were going to do for the rest of their vacation before their big tour. They were talking as if nothing had happened. That was my favorite thing about them, none of the boys held grudges.. They simply moved on. Forgive and forget. I narrowed my eyebrows as I heard them quiet down. I opened my eyes and finished drinking the rest of my tea. I was ready to get up and go check what they were saying but stopped when I heard a shout.

"Yes! Go there! It's great around this time!" I heard Harry exclaim before being shushed by the others.

I raised an eyebrow, letting out a quite 'humph' before quietly walking over to the doorframe. I stopped there and listened to Louis scold Harry for being loud.

"So where are you going?" I heard Perrie ask quietly.

There was a long pause before Louis spoke again. "I'm going to just leave her in McDonald's and go to Disney Land."

I scoffed and stood in between the doorframe "Louis!" I frowned.

"Yes, Babe?" He asked and turned to face me, a smirk on his face. He had probably heard me sneaking.

"That isn't nice. I want to go.."

"Well neither of us are going. We are leaving tomorrow at dawn. You can't know where we're going so don't bother asking." He smiled at me and turned to face the others. "Thank you all for the idea."


"Babe... Babe wake up" I heard a soft voice speak. "El... Ellie Bellie.... Eleanor... Jane. Wake up, Jane. Ellie. Baby..." The voice repeated. I felt a hand on my shoulder and felt myself being shaken lightly. "Eleanor... C'mon, Babe..."

"Hm?" Was all I managed to get out, lightly swatting the hand away.

"Wake up. C'mon..." The voice spoke. I felt the covers being pulled off of me and then felt someone sit me up, causing my eyes to open slightly.

"M'cold.." I whispered softly and yawned, seeing it was Louis.

"I know, love. C'mon. I'll carry you, I just don't want you completely knocked out.." He mumbled and lifted me into his arms bridal style.

I drifted in and out of sleep as he carried me downstairs. I pressed my face against his chest and shut my eyes. Once we were out in the hall, the bright ceiling lights caused my eyes to open again. I squinted through the light and watched Louis' face. He looked down at me and smiled fondly, I couldn't help but smile back. I had focused so much on his face that I didn't know we had gotten into the elevator. I let out a long breath and relaxed against him. I began to drift off but a cold air snapped me back to reality. I tensed up and shivered as the elevator doors opened and we walked out into the cold lobby. I clutched on to Louis' shirt when we finally got outside. The freezing air felt as if it were biting at my skin. I opened my eyes and noticed that you could still see stars in the sky. Where were we going? I was about to ask when Louis stepped into a car, still holding me against he chest. He laid me down across the seat and placed my head in his lap.

He began humming and stroked my hair back. My eyes felt heavy and all they seemed to want to do was close. After a good thirty seconds I couldn't resist it any longer and I let my eyelids drop completely. I let Louis' hums lull me to sleep.


I blinked my eyes open as light shined through the windows. That wasn't what had woken me up though, it was the bumpy road we were on. I stretched out and looked up at Louis.

"Morning, Babe." He whispered and smiled, "You woke up just in time."

"In time for what? Where are we?" I asked groggily and puckered my lips. "Good morning."

Louis flashed me a smile before leaning down to peck my lips and helping me sit up. "Look around."

I yawned and looked down at myself, noticing I was dressed before looking around at my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was the snow. Then the ski slopes. Then the cabins. A smile spread across my lips as I spoke "We're going skiing?"

Forever & AlwaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora