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I was never flying in a normal jet again. Ever.

As I silently gazed out the window as we sped across the sky far above forests and farmlands and cities, I came to that aforementioned (and completely realistic and reasonable) conclusion about my future flying habits.

Seriously, though, this plane was amazing. Like, who knew the bureau was this loaded? Certainly not me, but it definitely wasn't an unappreciated perk. Glancing up from my thoughts, my eyes scanned the agents on the plane. Hotch was intensely studying his case files - no surprise there. JJ was looking over something on a laptop, and Prentiss was flipping through a magazine. Rossi was reading a book, while Reid was sound asleep, his long body scrunched up to fit on the short leather seat running along the side. Morgan was - where was he?

"Enjoying our very own first class flight courtesy of the FBI?" I glanced up to see Morgan peering down at me with his trademark smirk (which seemed to be one of his only facial expressions, apparently).

"I guess it'll have to suffice," I answered loftily, feigning disdain. "I typically have 24-karat gold detailing in my favorite private jets, but you know... I suppose this'll probably do for now."

After a few moments of contemplation, he nodded thoughtfully and declared, "I like you, kid. I think you'll get on just fine here."

Bringing my voice to a mock whisper, I replied, "Only if Hotch doesn't kill me first."

"True, true," he admitted. "But seriously, don't let him get to you. He's a real softy at heart."

"Obviously," I deadpanned sarcastically. "I'm sure he rescues puppies and partakes in the construction of glittery DIY home and gardening projects in his spare time."

Derek Morgan let out a laugh so loud that everyone glanced over to where we were seated.

My face slightly reddened under the burning pressure of five pairs of eyes searing into me, but the agent sitting across from me clearly didn't care about what they thought of him in the slightest. Even though I had only known the team for less than an hour, their deep bond and close, family-like relationship was pretty apparent. I honestly felt like a bit of an intruder, although they had all been very welcoming so far with the exception of the one and only unit chief (but I kind of got the vibe that he was like that with just about everyone).

After a few more minutes of conversation that flowed surprisingly easily, Morgan retreated to one of the cozy corner seats and plugged in a pair of earbuds to a battered iPod. During those aforementioned few minutes, I discovered that Morgan and I had a lot in common, personality-wise. He was practically my legit spirit animal. Well, except for his position as second-in-command on the elite BAU team, while I had my doubts about even earning my SSA title in a few years. And the fact that he had a black belt in Judo (I mean, I wish, but unfortunately I didn't share that thing). But once he returned to his previous corner, that left me alone once again, free to waste time in the window seat.

Not for long, though.

Soon enough, SSA Spencer Reid stole the seat next to mine and opened our chat with a beautiful sentiment: "Did you know that the chance of this plane crashing is one in 1.2 million?"

"No, I did not know that," I raised an eyebrow. "I also did not need to know that, considering the fact that we are currently flying in said airplane across the sky in a gravity defying miracle."

"Sorry," the attractive, young-looking agent backtracked, wincing at his remark. He looked a bit like a puppy that had just been told off. It was kind of adorable. "Sometimes facts just pop out of my mouth whether I want them to or not. It actually happens quite a bit more than sometimes, to be honest." He spoke pretty fast, I noted. Literally a million miles a minute.

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