The Fun of Being Big

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A man walked into the test chamber the giantess already knew what she had to do. She watched him walk up to her and he looked up.
She looked down on him.
He stood paralyzed in fear. This would be easy, she thought. She lifted up her foot, put it over the small man, lowered it, and....


She lifted her foot and the man was no more...

The next man walked in, the giantess watched him run up the platform. She put her hand blocking the way. He tried to push on it, but she tilted her hand, put it on top of him, and pressed down hard.


Another small man gone, the giantess was having fun.

The next few were no different from the first, she had killed so many people, crushed them. Stepped on them. Even sat on them. But she was getting bored, she wanted a way to make it more fun for her, so she thought....

Just then, her stomach growled and gave her the answer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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